Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is It Possible Obama a CIA Plant?

I honestly don't know but the above link does answer or at least gives theoretical answers to ongoing questions about who is Obama, where did he come from, what is he hiding, and why is he hiding his college records, birth certificate and more. Also, why is he surrounded by a bunch of CRAP advisers that don't pay their taxes yet control ours, economist that are admitted communist, and certainly folks that have in the past seek the downfall of our country.

Folks daily more and more is written on the net and more questions are being asked and frankly it is of great concern. My concern is of the future, the present and now beginning to really question when did this all start, the wanton destruction of the United States and why. In my opinion it is bull s _ _ _ when someone espouses the idea of all should be equal. All I see is one group of folks and I can't really identify all of them, that want total world power. Hum I wonder what China's leaders think of that? Yet in just a few months we have lost the banking industry, auto industry, and more and about to turn our health care over to big brother. Are we going to stop it? And, how? Glenn Beck, God Bless him, is doing in my opinion a good job but we the individual should be doing a job too. Frankly, knowing just a little bit about things, I'm surprised that FOX has let Beck say as much as they have. So stay tuned it is about the best and only TV coverage that is at least putting names, times and faces together. The link above does the same and chronologically very interesting, please check it out!

Fact: We know Obama is a public liar and mocks us and our intelligence and our ability to see through these lying people lead by Obama. As stated by many now Congress and the Executive Branch have become "one" and rest assured that is NOT good!

We must start formulating every means possible to discover 1) ALL the players 2) a means of legally taking back what is ours, particularly if our right to vote is taken away. You're shaking your head but, don't think it couldn't happen. With that our greatest communicative asset, the net, could also very easily be taken away, plan folks PLAN!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Congressional Republicans Should Heed Old Saying!

Or, Obama is a Liar!

There is an old saying that the Congressional Republicans should study and think seriously about prior to the meeting with the "who is he Obama" Thursday. The saying is, "Screw me once shame on you, screw me twice shame on me!"

Hello, how many times in 12 plus months has the liar in the White House screwed the Republicans in Congress? He is a habitual liar just look at the latest video of his coming out that Acorn was and is his working buddy, yet the liar denied knowing anything about Acorn. He has lied about transparency, Mr. Prez you've lied about reaching across the aisle, you've lied about your qualifications, you've lied about not increasing taxes, duh what has our unknown entity that is our so called Commander in Chief NOT lied about?

Old school is we all might stretch the truth, at least I admit to that, but this lying outrageous administration is now stumbling over their own lies day in and day out. This has got to stop and stop it will at the polls! I can't speak for anyone else but the jerk elected without thoroughly vetting is becoming an international embarrassment! Look folks, the world knows if you'll lie to your own people you'll lie to any and everyone. Obama, and I'm beginning to hate writing the name, lied when he was apologizing for all the United States had done wrong in the world.

At this point isn't it clear to spend a million dollars to keep your records from the public that the prez must be lying about his own records, birth, college and who knows what else. Hello, what is it going to take to start the REAL process of getting this "liar" impeached or to make sure the public knows exactly what he is and to make sure he doesn't stand a snowball chance of being re-elected.

How dare this liar blame anyone else for our current economic, military and esteem problems throughout the world. Everyone, or at least those with their heads out of the sand, agree the Bush Administration could have done a MUCH better job with our economy even with the idiots in charge of Congress at the time. But, they didn't, but Liar quit blaming someone else for your horrendous lack of abilities and socialistic beliefs. You think you know better than, ah plumbers, well look out you're about to be educated by the voting public in 2010 and 2012, can I help you pack?

Mr. President enjoy OUR White House while you can because like with all liars, your lies will catch up with you and it is not that far away. Your lies will be your downfall and you will be run out of OUR city. Get ready liar, the truth is coming and you will be exposed for exactly what you are or in your case what you are NOT!

Monday, February 22, 2010

My How Time Takes Wings Except E.D. Hill Stays Young!

Well I guess it's part of getting older but this year and about the last eight or ten have just flown by. I'm never ready for the holidays and yet each year I try to get ready and they're here and gone before I've gone shopping. Which by the way I hate shopping and all those people one has to put up with while trying to figure what to buy.

E.D. Hill always looks young, she just never changes and always has that "youthful" yet authoritative tone in her voice. If I were a women I think I'd like to be just like her! Now, my problem is I think I've always been old and at this point there is sure nothing to be done about it, just enjoy.

That's what we're doing here at America's Web Radio informing and hopefully making life a bit more enjoyable with our programming. Shows like the Sheep and Goat Radio Hour with Ray Bowman for all you full time and part time herdsmen this show is a must listen that's why so many downloads.

For the politically astute we have Our Constitution with Michael Connelly, The Washington Report with WND writer Ellis Washington, Do Facts Matter with Robert D'Agostino, Health Care the Good, the Bad and . . . with Bill Bennett and many more.

Medical shows like Medicine on Call with Dr. Elaina George, Health Hour with Dr. Barry McKernan, Family Medicine with Dr. Bo Kirkwood, For Your Eyes with Dr. Andrew Shatz and more just for you medical buffs.

Then don't "plant it" till you've tuned in to the experts on America's Home Grown Veggies and The Master Gardener's Hour and that's just the start of great programming on America's Web Radio. Cars, entrepreneurs, relationships, books you name it and if we don't have a show about it and you want us to let know what's on your mind.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do Goats Have A Radio Show?

Yes, well sort of they share the show with sheep, well sort of, the sheep and goats share the show with Ray Bowman Executive Director of the KY Sheep and Goat Organization and he shares his time with guest on the show. So you figure it out but, I will tell you the Sheep and Goat Radio Hour, if you have or are thinking about getting them is the show to listen to! Every Thursday hi noon Eastern Standard Time so tune in and listen to some old goats talk! Just kidding Ray! Only on and


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

E.D. Hill's Recovery on Schedule

Many of you have emailed or called asking about E.D. Hill's recovery from surgery and we're happy to let you know all has gone well and E.D. will be returning to Good Morning with E.D. Hill Tuesday February 23, 2010 at 8A EST only on If you'd like to ask E.D. any questions feel free to email and we'll ask the questions Tuesday.

I'd like to take this space to thank E.D. for doing her show and thank you for listening and passing on the information about the station your loyal support is greatly appreciated by and we also want to thank our sponsors and invite you to join our family if you have a business or organization that would like to be a part of what we're doing.

Thank God for the net and the wonderful hosts we have in our continuing efforts to balance the truth with the fiction from major media. What would happen to freedom of speech if we didn't have the net?

Thank you again,
America's Web Radio

Monday, February 15, 2010

More Listeners to America's Web Radio

It is easy to understand why more and more people daily and on the weekends are tuning in to, it simple we have the programming that fills your passion.

Let me give you some examples and pictures to go with them:

Tuesday and Thursday Good Morning with E.D. Hill 8A EST

Wednesday Our Constitution with Michael Connelly, Esq.

Monday 1P EST Book Talk with Ginger Emas author and lecturer

Stay tuned for more reason to tune in to you'll love it like so many others do! 24/7 America's Web Radio

People Are Upset and Showing It!

Never in my years of following politics to some degree have I ever seen what's going on today.
Obviously, and I must say thank God for the net, opinions are being heard like never ever before because there is now a personal forum that everyone can jump on their own blog, website, or email and express their views. Our country has always given the public the right to speak but I've never seen an administration so criticized in such a short period of time. I don't think I've seen ANYTHING positive about the administration in the last 30 to 60 days, only people becoming more upset with OUR government.

America's Web Radio made the decision to add more political type informative programming like Our Constitution with Michael Connelly, Esq. author and featured writer. And, will be adding more informative shows until you have let us know that you feel our country has and is turning around.

From the administration to congress (again no caps, cause I have no respect for the people involved) the Constitution is NOT being followed in fact Our Constitution is being abused by these so called representatives from both parties. I think we the voter, electorate have spoiled and let our representatives "perk" themselves beyond our greatest imagination and now we have let them feel they're above Our Constitution and the Laws of the Land! This idea must be stopped and we can do it beginning this November - get rid of all of them! What do you think?

It is time to act NOW through a group like the Tea Party Movement, your office or even your neighborhood, yes one voice can make a difference and it should be your voice, let it be heard. We need you, our country needs you and our kids need you, be heard!