Thursday, September 30, 2010
Attention Parents of Young Children
My wife and I have been very blessed by two wonderful sons (she has three great daughters too) that I am so proud of and thank for be just super boys growing up and not giving your older parents grief along the way.
Time goes so fast as we all heard and for you parents of young children cherish every moment and without spoiling your children give them every thing you can and particularly your time. Oh man, would I like to have one or both of my sons here to give a hug to, right NOW!
This blog is all about the fact that time does goes fast and we're leaving our children with a mess! And, there is no one to blame but ourselves. I'm not a 100% sure I'll ever see grand kids but I'm pretty sure they're out there somewhere and as guilty as I feel right now for not being able to give my sons everything I would and would have liked to, I can make myself sick thinking about the world my grand kids may have to grow up in. I didn't at a few minutes old open my eyes to my personal debt of thousands of dollars, I didn't take my first breath on earth in a socialist form of government, I didn't shed my first tear in a country that its goal is to run my life from birth to death yet if we the 25 to almost dead citizens don't vote and change Washington DC then that's exactly what generations to come will be born into.
Please register and vote, make this again One Nation Under God, with politicians that work for us and are not just in Washington for the lifelong perks.
It is your children that you're voting for so please THINK and let's replace what we have with WHAT WE NEED!
Thank you,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Your Business, Your Radio Forum
We are going to help you get the word out about your business for a rate that covers our cost in the start up phase of this new radio station.
Please contact me for details, I think you'll love the idea and it will help spread the word about your company.
Thank you,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Now NOT Tomorrow
We are hearing all the rhetoric of we're going to take it back in November, show how strong we are in November and on and on, I hope it is true. My problem is very simply voter turnout.
Did you vote in your primary and runoff? If you did then read no further, go have a drink.
But if you didn't vote in your primary are you even registered to vote? I'm at the point with folks if they don't register and then can't vote I believe they, and maybe I'm writing to you, they or you are committing a sin. I'm not really going to put myself in or even say I'm judging but it is my personal belief that what is going on today in our Congress and Our White House is sinful and is even a bigger sin if we don't vote them OUT!
It is my belief if "We The People" let this continue God is in His wonderful way is speaking and sending us the message loud and clear, I gave you a chance, and I'm giving you one last chance by voting these people out of office and to take back "One Nation Under God". And, if you don't do it by voting our Master will speak again and let us know it is Over.
Please register to vote, canvas your neighborhood for people to register and then vote in November and help take back your nation with the blessing of our Almighty God.
Thank you,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Hallowed Ground
I will make a deal with you, the reader,
with any Imam, with every intellectual indigent in Congress, with Mayor Bloomberg, the impostor-in-chief, with anybody who has an opinion.
I CHOOSE NOT to allow you to tell me what should or should not offend me, and I will agree not tell you what should or should not offend you.
I CHOOSE NOT to let you decide what defines ‘hallowed ground’ to me.
I CHOOSE NOT to let you decide how ‘hallowed ground‘ is revered.
I CHOOSE NOT to give my power to you.
Most Americans are not allowed to enter the ‘Holy City’ of Mecca. Apparently this would offend Muslims.
I would not dream of abusing your beliefs or your parameters at a place you hold sacred for whatever reason, and ask only that you return the favor.
Show the same kindness, demonstrate the common decency you claim you deserve, lead by example and then, perhaps, you can earn the credibility you seem to think you already earned.
You are now in MY backyard. This is NOT the Imam’s backyard, it is his chosen playground. Somehow, he believes that because he is here by choice, my choices should be compromised.
I will NOT allow you to come into my house and push me around.
I will NOT allow you to come into my backyard and tell my brothers & sisters they have to put your wants above their needs.
We have been hurt to the core.
9 years ago 3000 lives were ended “on this hallowed ground.”
Thousands more were shattered, forever changed on this “hallowed ground“.
Someone came here and used our own citizens and our own technology to devastate our sensibilities “on this hallowed ground“.
Someone forever changed how we think, how we look at foreign ideologies, how we tolerate bad behavior. I am not saying it is your fault, I am saying that fault is not as important as solution., and YOUR solution doesn’t work for me.
I accuse you of irresponsibly cruel and ungodly behavior. I and cannot obligate you to agree with me. It is a fact that reality is not as important as a person’s perception of that reality, and I am as responsible for MY reality as you are for yours.
I was raised to believe that rights imply responsibilities. One cannot possibly have either without the other. This civilization is founded on the concept that each of us gives up a bit of our rights to enable the rights of others. This defines responsible citizenship. Your ideology is incompatible with this ideology.
You say you are a US citizen, thank you for paying taxes and we have common ground as Giants fans. But your words and your actions tell me you do not feel or own our national pain. You have not chosen to understand our observance of 9/11, Ground Zero and our distrust of your ideology. Our distrust is born of experience not ignorance. Time does not heal all wounds, it is what you do with that time that makes the difference. We began our healing process. Slow, but steady, we were moving forward. Your actions betrayed your words and have reversed that healing process.
If that makes me Islamophobic, I’m OK with the label.
I’ve been called worse. Recently.
Perhaps there is a 12 step program to work on fixing this.
I submit to you that the first step is No GZ Mosque, cultural center, victory lap, whatever.
These days the Golden rule seems to be available for interpretation.
Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
He who has the gold makes the rules.
Follow your conscience or follow the money.
If your conscience follows the money, then you have my pity and my prayers. You cannot earn my respect with that mindset. Perhaps you don’t want my respect. That’s fine too, IF you can’t respect ‘my house, my rules‘…
See how simple that is?
Miller Farms Equine Transport
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
What's a Person to Do?
Cyndy Miller is a good example of making a difference by having a letter published on the web that she sent AARP a year ago pointing out how she and her husband could no longer be members of an organization that supported ObamaCare, rationing of health care, and that would ultimately take from our Medicare that we've paid into. One person express their opinion and that letter has circulated around-the-world and continues on causing people to think about their membership in AARP and other organizations that lie to get our dollars. So, yes one person can make a big difference and we'd like to talk to someone you know that has made or is making a big difference in any occupation or in our daily lives. Please send me the information on how to contact your person that has or is making a difference. And, don't forget to register to vote, take a buddy and then vote the bums out in November!
Mean while we've got some great programming today with The Immigration Hour, Bella Petite, Detailing Addiction, Do Facts Matter, The Fog and many more of your favorites. Please tune in when you can and tell a friend about your discovery of a great programmed live and podcast radio station that believes like you do.
Have a good day and,
PS I meant to thank all you crazy folks that either think my post are funny or just have pity on me, read the blogs and drop me an email. Thanks for your continued interest!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Time to Circle Our Wagons Inside Out?
Folks it is time to Circle the Wagons!
Let's see from the outside we have Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran which in turn supports the terrorist and don't forget our open borders that are letting everyone in to get "FREE". These I consider extremely serious but even more serious is how do we Circle the Wagons "Inside Out"? Now what in the world does that mean?
Well even more serious than what's on the outside trying to destroy us but what is on the inside and IS destroying us. Oh let's see we've now got "home grown" terrorist that have been given the most wonderful place in the world to grow up and they want to destroy for future generations, that certainly makes a lot of sense. Then we have a group of "Blacks" that have still not figured it out and all they want is civil unrest. I'm sorry this is NOT a race thing it is a group of folks that don't want to work or prosper in this country they just want to cause problems and if they'd open their eyes and look around there are more Black Americans that share my opinion than theirs. The opportunity for now is here, take advantage of it fool and realize that there is no "FREE Ride" for anyone.
OK so we got home grown terrorist, civil unrest blacks, we have illegals coming in by untold numbers but what we are slowly waking up to is the terrible fact that those that most want to destroy us and are forcing us to Circle the Wagons Inside Out is our elected officials! Frankly we're a broke "monetarily" country and I don't know how we can fight from both sides of the "wagon", but we must!
We have a weak, rubber stamp Congress right now and I can only hope it will change IF people register to vote then vote them out in November. And, we have a narcissistic monster in OUR White House surrounded by Marxist hell bent on destroying our economy, education and health care system. And, if you haven't noticed they're doing a good job of doing just that. I don't believe in continual coincidences and since this administration took power that's all we've had. From supposed gas peddles to convenient oil platform accident and many more all while a sick person is in Our White House and won't even disclose his place of birth or provide his college records. Spending now over two million dollars to hide records that most of us will gladly show anyone.
While our economy is about to collapse the family residing in Our White House can take more vacations at taxpayers expense than anyone before them AND do less work while on these vacations. When was the last time you and yours had Oh say, a $200,000 wedding anniversary at taxpayer's expense?
So, how do we fight from both sides of the wagon? I guess we all become Congress People and talk (or fight) from both sides of our mouths. Actually the answer is we first pray for Our country and then we register to vote and vote. While at the same time continue to EXPRESS yourself, your hurts, your needs, your concerns and your love for this country.
And, if you need a booster shot to remain focused take a look at your children and your grandchildren. Because if action isn't taken and taken now you and I can't blame "Bush" or anyone else for stealing the future from the ones we love.
Thanks for your time.
PS I've been accused of racist for using the term OUR White House well it is Our White House, Our Constitution, Our Government and WE THE PEOPLE are only loaning OUR great treasurers to these folks and they obviously don't appreciate it nor do they realize they are suppose to be working for us. So, if that is racist so be it!