Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Secure Are Our Top Secrets?

It takes a rational person less than a tenth of a second to conclude Our (The United States of America's) TOP SECRETS are not secure AT ALL.

How can I say that? Very simply, who is the holder of every key in government which means access to every TOP SECRET in the US and in many cases those of other nations we are involved with. With a treasonous traitor, forger, liar, probably communist, certainly Marxist holder of the key to ALL TOP SECRET vaults how safe can we be? We're not safe today and even if, and I certainly hope he is, NOT re-elected the fact that Obama has access and will take that knowledge with him is a very scary thought. We need the biggest locksmith in the world to immediately change all locks and combination's to OUR TOP SECRETS as soon as Obama is tried and convicted or others relieved of duty.

Fox guarding the hen house pales to what we have in D.C. right now. Chicago crooks in Our White House, in the Department of Justice, in Our Congress and probably driving the cabs in D.C. This is the most sickening thought one can have - How Secure Are Our Top Secrets? Let me know what you think, please.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Finally Money Got the Voter's Attention

This week, short as it is, has been interesting in that I've gotten more calls and emails from folks upset about our illustrious "representatives" in D.C. or another name that could be attached is white collar CROOKS that supposedly represent us.

You know since I knew what the stock market was or is and I think this applies to all of us, we'd like to make one big hit in the market. Maybe have that little bit of information of when to buy or sell that no one else has that makes us the "stock market lottery" winner. I think I learned early on what I wanted was called insider trading followed by another term called jail. But, I never had that information and never was a big winner.

However, the public has just learned how someone say "as poor as dirt" can somehow be elected and go to D.C. and serve a few terms and come out at worse a millionaire and on up from there. We all have learned what many of us expected but have never said that our wonderful crooks, oh I'm sorry US Representatives are making billions on insider information and trading. Isn't it amazing what you and I would go to jail for is legal supposedly with everyone from the AH president to the freshman congressman. Gee, our "representatives" (crooks) don't have to worry about prosecution for insider trading, they don't have to worry about Social Security, they don't fall under obamacare, they don't have to worry about cost of gas, THE ONLY THING our Crooks - Representatives have to worry about is being RE-ELECTED. Who's the fool here? Do you really think the crooks, or the foxes watching the hen house, are EVER going to vote in term limits? Come on let's first watch the greedy pigs fly in my backyard.

With great hesitation and many hours of thinking about all that has transpired in the last three years I've come to one conclusion and I really don't like it but it too has a name and that is revolution. Yes the same thing our great and wise forefathers had to conclude. We've got the greatest governmental document ever written the U.S. Constitution with the greatest fundamental laws ever written that are now being totally ignored by the crooks we've voted to represent us. So, how do we get rid of them and make our "employees" representatives do what we send them to D.C. to do? Well the simple answer is vote the old out and get new in BUT, this doesn't work. Why? Because some of the OLD are always left behind and it is amazing but somehow the OLD almost instantly corrupt the NEW within days of entering inside the Beltway.

So, what's the answer? Again, I hate to say it but we have to totally clean D.C. out and put law abiding Constitutional representatives in to truly represent us by following their duties as outlined in the Constitution.

If you have a better idea, PLEASE contact me.

If it is money or learning how the crooks in D.C. get so rich so quick that wakes the public then let's focus on it. I don't care what it takes we the people have the right the ship of state because the crooks in D.C. NEVER will!

