Friday, December 16, 2011

Would the Real Republican Presidential Candidate Please Stand Up

Did you watch the 12/15/11 Republican Debate?

As an astute political observer told me this morning from her pillow, "I think they all lie". The following is another statement received today via email:

In the coming New Year, 2012, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address will occur on the same day.

This is an ironic juxtaposition of events.

One involves a meaningless ritual in which we look to an insignificant creature of little intelligence for prognostication.

The other involves a groundhog.

So, there you have two observations and both probably right.

Out of all the past and coming debates all I want to hear from the Republican candidates is a united front of getting rid of the current zoo in DC. Oh, damn is it a zoo or clowns in a circus I've got to study on the question? The point, action must be taken to return our nation to one under God and run by laws not clowns or monkeys!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Obama - What an Inept Idiot

Is it actually Obama or his stupid advisers or all of the above or is this just one more show of force like peeing up a rope? Obama, "Please Iran give us back our drone that somehow you captured". Come on, I wonder if the idiot bowed before sending the message? Folks that was and is the highest of high tech that the Chinese and Russians now have and what did our leader, the idiot do? Next time Obama save the drone (send yourself) or just invite our numerous enemies to come study in our labs or you idiot just email the technology to them! That way it wouldn't interrupt your golf or vacation.

Wake up America this piece or pieces of unAmerican garbage in this administration are selling us all down the river from security, the economy, health care and civil rights, we MUST clean house and get rid of this liar that was elected because we wanted to show the world how "fair" a country we are. BS we elected an ineligible candidate that is a liar, won't show his real birth certificate, or ANY of his college records. Obama is a liar, period and a chicken s _ _ _, that's a Texas term. Why can't people understand what this jerk is doing to Our country and Our Constitution.

I know I'm writing only to make myself feel good but, my TV just can't take any more of my yelling at it when the "NOSE in the Air", "the Liar Obama" and worse when the hypocritical unAmerican Michelle takes time from her vacation to appear with the liar. So, I'm yelling at you to help wake up any fool that still supports the "giving away of America", please.

Until, (my poor TV just can't take any more)

Friday, December 9, 2011

"Occupy" A Bunch of Thugs in Sheep's Clothing

This just out on WND:

Occupy's 'nerve center' staffed by Soros activists

The so-called leaderless Occupy movement has just been caught red handed operating what appears to be a nerve center staffed by professional agitators deeply tied to groups funded by billionaire activist George Soros.

Now why does this NOT surprise in fact we'd already been saying it we just didn't have the manpower to prove it.

Folks and you liberals included we're all NEVER going to agree on everything but a crook is a crook no matter what banner he or she flies under. This administration from the top down are crooks, liars, and don't give a damn about you or me. They only care about themselves and taking our government away from us. Our spineless Congress and everyone in it should be a shamed of what they have NOT done, God Bless them as one is supposed to bless thy enemies and we have plenty of enemies in Our Capitol!

Wake up and get ready as our forefather's did to fight for what is right! Get ready my friends it is coming!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How Great is the Canadian Health System - NOT

Tune in to Medicine on Call today at 9:00 AM only on and listen to Dr. Elaina George, M.D. discuss the terrible health care system in Canada with former Canadian Dr. Lee Kurisko. Dr Kurisko exposes what one goes through in Canada and what we can expect in the US under the stupid ObamaCare plan, it sucks! Sorry no other way to describe it!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Lis Wiehl from FOX News on AWR Book Talk

Join attorney, legal analyst for FOX News and author just to name a few titles Ms. Wiehl holds, on Monday 12/5/11 at 1:00 PM ET.

Ms. Wiehl will be chatting about her book Waking Hours and who knows a little politics too. Should be a fun time here on America's Web Radio, tune in and please tell your friends I believe they'll really enjoy the show. Thanks!


Thursday, December 1, 2011

War Is It Coming?

Tuesday night on Do Facts Matter host Robert D'Agostino and guest well known eligibility questioner Doug Vogt discussed what seem the inevitable War in the Middle East.

As discussed there seems to be a very SMALL window for Israel to attack Libya and the nuclear facilities in Iran. With a minimum of 30,000 missiles in Libya aimed at Israel and the fast development of long range missiles in Iran (only delayed by a computer virus, I wonder where that came from?) what choice does Israel have? Our less than Commander In Chief continues to sit on his stinky thumbs giving bows to Arabs and no support to our ally Israel, a decision must be made. As pointed out during the show
it is only hoped that wiser heads (military) prevail and will be ready to work with, defend and support any actions taken by Israel.

It is my opinion as the coward Saudis want help and protection from anyone to defend their lazy fat asses, i.e. giving air bases to in Saudi Arabia to Israel to use, we should put the oil rich fat cats over their own oil barrels and if we provide ANY support the Saudis in IMMEDIATE hard cold cash should pay for it. Is that clear?

So, War Again in the Middle East, do we care, is it going to affect us, what's it going to do to the world? Well we are seeing the signs of the start of the war in Iran with the UK embassy conflict and that's JUST the start. Naval movement by the US and Russia what does that mean? Our ball less leader doing nothing other than programmed campaigning. Yes it will affect us and in many ways unlike past wars in that sick area of the earth. Just because the so called "news services" will cover it GAS prices will sore and that's just the start of global economic problems that will hit all of us. Along with our "empty suit" president, our inside trader congress men and women only caring for themselves have and will not be able to fix anything and folks we're all going to suffer. We should just be so lucky as to make our so called representatives suffer right along side us, but they won't.

What's the plan? The only suggestion I have is - Every family and neighborhood for themselves unfortunately it could get SO bad that it's neighbor against neighbor. At that point, well you can figure it out. Let's do what this country was built on, turn back to the leadership of true freedom and blessing and make this country One Nation Under GOD!
