Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hillary Clinton stupid B _ _ _ _ is a KILLER, MURDERER! No Bullets

Here it is in fact!  Hillary and Obama are murderers of our own people!  We must get rid of these idiot 06 Nov. 2012 and then put them on trial!

Fox News military analyst Colonel David Hunt laid the blame for the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans at the Benghazi , Libya American mission on Hillary Clinton and the State Department.  "The State Department just allowed our guys to get killed. If you approve no bullets in guns for the mission security guards and an outhouse for a mission, you’re inviting it," said Col Hunt.
Colonel Hunt also said, "The American mission at Benghazi was like a cardboard building, there wasn't even bullet proof glass." In addition, Hunt said the security guards inside the mission didn't have bullets.
BREITBART  Hunt told Breitbart News that the new State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya , approved and signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton since the 2011 fall of Khadafi's regime, severely compromised the safety and security of     murdered Ambassador Stevens and all American diplomatic staff in Libya .

He also stated that the decision not to staff Benghazi with Marines was made by Secretary of State Clinton when she attached her signature to the State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya document. Breitbart News has subsequently learned that under those rules of engagement, Secretary Clinton prohibited Marines from providing security at any American diplomatic installation in Libya .
According to Hunt, the debacle at the American mission in Benghazi is directly the result of Obama's new policies. "The policy of the Obama administration led to this," he said.
"It was the policy of the Obama administration to have a low profile in Libya . That's why the rules of engagement were approved by the Secretary of State to have no Marines at Benghazi , and to have an American contractor hire Libyan nationals to provide security there. The rules were they couldn't have ammunition."

"Obama may not have known the details of the State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya , but his Chief of Staff and National Security Advisor would have. The Secretary of State absolutely would have." "The Department of State Security are the people in charge of diplomatic security. They enforce the rules of engagement, which are set at Clinton ’s level at State. The Department of Defense was told we’re not going to have Marines at Benghazi .
Hunt compared the security at the Benghazi mission with security at the recent RNC and DNC. "The recent political conventions had more security than Ambassador Stevens had in Benghazi . If you carried a sharp stick within a mile of the conventions at Tampa or Charlotte you got arrested, yet you don't give bullets to the guards of our Ambassador to Libya . It wouldn't surprise me if Al-Qaeda bought off some of the Libyan nationals hired to guard our ambassador at Benghazi ."
Hunt added that the rules of engagement specific to each country or military situation are drawn up by State Department lawyers and approved by the chain of command. "There should be a document with Hillary’s signature and the Secretary of Defense's specific to Libya .  Hunt compared the security at the Benghazi mission with security at the recent RNC and DNC. "The recent political conventions had more security than Ambassador Stevens had in Benghazi .

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Infitration of Islam/Muslim in the U.S.A.

Find out from the expert Dave Gaubatz how the Mosque next to you is teaching Jihad and the take over of our schools, government, military and your life, it is like a slow spreading cancer.  And, much more every Tuesday 11:00 AM EDT only on www.americaswebradio.com your truly unique conservative web radio station.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


LIES, let's see we've had folks lying to us since time began but, let's just look at politics.  Well I guess the reality of that is again since politics began there have been liars! 

Question, is a cover up a lie?

Let's just go back to the infamous Nixon and Watergate, no one killed, no one really hurt (egos don't count) and yet Mr. Nixon felt it necessary to start the first public stink by trying to Cover It Up.  Who exposed it?  The mass media and they had a field day until "they" got rid of Mr. Nixon and rightly so.

Right now that same media is getting its guns off, maybe that's a bad choice of words, going after Penn State and the Sandusky child abuse scandal and again rightly so.  In my opinion nothing bad enough can happen to Sandusky, this very sick man. And, as we're finding out the number of folks at Penn State that didn't want bad publicity so in the "now" American way they chose to "Cover It Up".  

We never really forgave Nixon, yet due to the media we've forgiven Clinton and don't forget Hillary she's done her share of "Covering It Up" as well and the media has certainly forgiven her.  But, my real point is this continual lying by everyone in politics which brings me to the point; we have in my opinion the biggest liar, cover up artist, Marxist, Muslim, illegal EVER to sit in Our Oval Office.  And, what's happening he blames everyone and everything else while our- bought-off mainstream media won't touch one of Obama's lies.  In fact they actually do touch his lies any time they cover this corrupt garbage in our White House because every time it opens its mouth "O" lies!  That's fact!

I'm not going to re-hash all of his lies, those that care know them, those that don't care will never accept them and the media knows and covers them up.  But, because of these horrific lies by "our illegal president" our country is in the depth of world disaster and the lying SOB is doing it just as history describes other Marxist as taking total control and we're letting this liar do it.  

So what can we do about it?  I have never been one to buy from or get services from anyone or company that touts  the "fish".  With that said, what are we going to do?  Frankly it is my opinion that our country is SO far gone with leadership in every party and direction lying that we have only one way to go and that is prayer.  That does not mean we don't fight but, we ask God to help us all in this most important fight and that HIS will be done.  We may not like the outcome but I see no other way but through prayer to bring this country back to One Nation Under God and to by force if necessary, to rid ourselves of these contemptuous liars in ALL levels of politics.  

GOD Bless America!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

RFID do you want to be TAGGED like a dog?

This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information with tracking capability but it will also be linked to your bank account. And get this, Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads, and I quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have an RFID chip underneath our skin and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.

Re: Hidden Obamacare Secret: "RFID Chip Implants" Mandatory for All by March 23, 2013?!?

H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act:

A class II implantable device is an "implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information." The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as "claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary."

“The Secretary to protect the public health; shall establish procedures to permit linkage of information submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A, remember subparagraph A is the class 2 implantable device reference) with patient safety and outcomes data obtained under paragraph (3, which is electronic medical records); and to permit analyses of linked data;”

Continuing on to page 1007, in the STANDARDS, IMPLEMENTATION CRITERIA, AND CERTIFICATION CRITERIA section, the secretary of health and human services is given full power to intact all mandates from the laundry list of to-do items in the creation process of the registry as well as dictate how the devises listed in the National Medical Device Registry are to be used and implemented.

"The Secretary of the Health Human Services, acting through the head of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, shall adopt standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria for the electronic exchange and use in certified electronic health records of a unique device identifier for each device described in paragraph 1 (National Medical Device Registry), if such an identifier is required by section 519(f) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 360i(f)) for the device."

Now on Page 503, section E Lines 13-17 and I quote: "encourage, as appropriate, the development and use of clinical registries and the development of clinical effectiveness research data networks from electronic health records, post marketing drug and medical device surveillance efforts". Let me say that again, medical device surveillance efforts!

Now lets look at section 163 of HR3200, which gives the government a direct electronic access to your bank account which will work in conjunction with an implanted chip.

Page 58 Lines 5 through 15 reads:
(D) enable the real-time (or near real time) determination of an individual’s financial responsibility at the point of service and, to the extent possible, prior to service, including whether the individual is eligible for a specific service with a specific physician at a specific facility, which may include utilization of a machine-readable health plan beneficiary identity detection card; (E) enable, where feasible, near real-time adjudication of claims

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Recently I was called hateful and accused of publishing fallacies. Frankly I can't address the issue of fallacies unless the individual questioning points the "fallacies" out. However, generally my research is probably better than that of most. But, I can address "Hateful" because unless one is an idiot then they to would probably be considered "Hateful" by the left!

Yes, and I'm proud of it I HATE:

1. An administration that constantly lies!
2. An administration that has increased our national debt to 14 trillion dollars
3. An administration that was going to be transparent and yet won't even show a degree
4. An administration that would bow to a Muslim and apologize all over the place
5. An administration that has cut our defense military to shreds
6. An administration that has trampled Our Constitution
7. An administration that dares to take God out of nation and would praise something of the likes of rev. wright (piece of garbage)
8. An administration hat would try to mandate legislation on free citizens
9. An administration blames everyone else when the White House idiot is trying to become a dictator
10.An administration that is destroying my children's and their children's future
11.An administration that has destroyed our economy
12.An administration that is so racist it has set our country back many years.
13.A Congress that has no thoughts for others but themselves
14.A media that has lost the ability to report truth in news and is so prejudice as to not report or investigate true newsworthy stories

That's just the hates off the top of my head but given a few minutes I can give one many more hates about what is happening today. So, yest I'm hateful and I believe for good cause. Are you hateful too?


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Final Nail in Our Country's Coming Coffin

I'm going to be very brief. As most of you know, excluding the Occupy Idiots, progressives, and other moronic free loader, and those in this garbage Congress and Administration, we are with the press conference today quickly becoming a third or fourth rate military country behind China, Russia and your pet dog.

Listen to the cuts espoused by your president and "the nose" Defense Secretary Panetta. Instead of our wonderful Stars and Stripes this government will or is passing a bill to replace our flag with a new all white flag.

Please check out what is happening and if not already praying please start now.
