Monday, June 1, 2009

$1895 Chicken Coop Winner

Pamela Mc, from Elmira, Or won the $1895 Chicken Coop custom built by Chicken Coop USA. She proves it only takes ONE ticket to win and we congratulate her. It is our plan to immediately start another raffle, this one proved to be fun and I believe all enjoyed it so let "do it again". The Chicken Whisperer is doing a great job and we're having a lot of fun with the Whisperer, and all the folkds from coast-to-coast that are involved in backyard poultry. It is amazing how many people there are and the response. Andy is setting up Meeting Groups across the country and we wish him the best!

Congratulations also goes out to the City of Roswell Georgia that since they had NO law against backyard poultry they'd make it legal - dah am I missing something here. Politicians - if it isn't broke let's break it so we can spend tax payers money to fix something that isn't broken. Now I have a headache and need a glass of water.

If you haven't tuned into our gardening shows, joined our newsletter or Kate's blog shame on you. No actually you're missing a lot of good information and fun to. On the Master Gardners Hour we talked Green Roofs now there's a tree in your attic. It was interesting and certainly away to keep cost down. More good stuff coming so tune to for the best in chat radio any time you want it!

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