Friday, April 9, 2010

What Did Stupak Get for his Vote?

Stupak the cowardly, give in, piece of garbage that collapsed before our very eyes to Obama and his BS executive order has now announced he's retiring! Big surprise! So, the question is Stupak you piece of _ _ _ _ what was or is your price? How can you look yourself in the mirror? How can you face your family? We know now how you face the folks that voted for you - you cut and run. There are really NO words to describe someone like you Stupak other than you're a cowardly male version of Pelosi, does that make you proud.

You should join some kind of movement that requires nothing between your legs for you've certainly shown you have nothing there or between your ears! Are you proud of yourself? You want to see what dogs sniff, then look in the mirror. How does it feel to have sold your country out, your religion, and your supposed beliefs? I couldn't live with myself, how can you? I hope your Obama appointment is far out of country in that I know the good folks in Michigan are going to want NOTHING to do with a person like you with absolutely NO values! Are you proud of yourself Stupak? By-the-Way, I reserve Mr. for those that deserve it, your less than a label Stupak.

It is my suggestion you learn as much as you possibly can about moles, or any burrowing animal and proceed to dig a hole and put your garbage head in it and hide like all turncoat cowards do. If you'd like to know how contemptible I really think you are, give me a call you coward, sellout!


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