Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How Secure Are Our Top Secrets?

It takes a rational person less than a tenth of a second to conclude Our (The United States of America's) TOP SECRETS are not secure AT ALL.

How can I say that? Very simply, who is the holder of every key in government which means access to every TOP SECRET in the US and in many cases those of other nations we are involved with. With a treasonous traitor, forger, liar, probably communist, certainly Marxist holder of the key to ALL TOP SECRET vaults how safe can we be? We're not safe today and even if, and I certainly hope he is, NOT re-elected the fact that Obama has access and will take that knowledge with him is a very scary thought. We need the biggest locksmith in the world to immediately change all locks and combination's to OUR TOP SECRETS as soon as Obama is tried and convicted or others relieved of duty.

Fox guarding the hen house pales to what we have in D.C. right now. Chicago crooks in Our White House, in the Department of Justice, in Our Congress and probably driving the cabs in D.C. This is the most sickening thought one can have - How Secure Are Our Top Secrets? Let me know what you think, please.


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