Thursday, July 12, 2012


LIES, let's see we've had folks lying to us since time began but, let's just look at politics.  Well I guess the reality of that is again since politics began there have been liars! 

Question, is a cover up a lie?

Let's just go back to the infamous Nixon and Watergate, no one killed, no one really hurt (egos don't count) and yet Mr. Nixon felt it necessary to start the first public stink by trying to Cover It Up.  Who exposed it?  The mass media and they had a field day until "they" got rid of Mr. Nixon and rightly so.

Right now that same media is getting its guns off, maybe that's a bad choice of words, going after Penn State and the Sandusky child abuse scandal and again rightly so.  In my opinion nothing bad enough can happen to Sandusky, this very sick man. And, as we're finding out the number of folks at Penn State that didn't want bad publicity so in the "now" American way they chose to "Cover It Up".  

We never really forgave Nixon, yet due to the media we've forgiven Clinton and don't forget Hillary she's done her share of "Covering It Up" as well and the media has certainly forgiven her.  But, my real point is this continual lying by everyone in politics which brings me to the point; we have in my opinion the biggest liar, cover up artist, Marxist, Muslim, illegal EVER to sit in Our Oval Office.  And, what's happening he blames everyone and everything else while our- bought-off mainstream media won't touch one of Obama's lies.  In fact they actually do touch his lies any time they cover this corrupt garbage in our White House because every time it opens its mouth "O" lies!  That's fact!

I'm not going to re-hash all of his lies, those that care know them, those that don't care will never accept them and the media knows and covers them up.  But, because of these horrific lies by "our illegal president" our country is in the depth of world disaster and the lying SOB is doing it just as history describes other Marxist as taking total control and we're letting this liar do it.  

So what can we do about it?  I have never been one to buy from or get services from anyone or company that touts  the "fish".  With that said, what are we going to do?  Frankly it is my opinion that our country is SO far gone with leadership in every party and direction lying that we have only one way to go and that is prayer.  That does not mean we don't fight but, we ask God to help us all in this most important fight and that HIS will be done.  We may not like the outcome but I see no other way but through prayer to bring this country back to One Nation Under God and to by force if necessary, to rid ourselves of these contemptuous liars in ALL levels of politics.  

GOD Bless America!

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