Thursday, May 28, 2009

Joe, Joe, When are you Going to Learn?

Inside information has it that like in the old days that the leather belt is coming off Obama and Joe Bidden is going to lay across Obama's lap and get a needed spanking. Could this be true?

At the same time rumor has it that Pelosi has been chosen as my candidate for the next person to be water boarded to try and get her to tell the truth. Water boarding may not be enough to get the Speaker to tell the truth. Las Vegas is betting heavily against the "Water Boarding".

Well while N. Korea's Shrimp is putting it in our President's face and he seems to have no clue, he has put it in our face with Sotomayor. OK this is for college folks - you study your butts off and score the highest on the test - but, because you're the wrong color (skin) you don't get promoted and Sotomayor says that's not reverse discrimination, then what is it. Ask the firemen that got screwed over by the judge how they feel about her. She states the court is the place to make laws, which constitution is she reading from. Oh, it must be the Spanish one something missed in translation.

These are my opinions and for the liberals they should be yours too. All any of us want is safety and fairness.

See you on the radio!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

First in respect for all those that have served America's Web Radio will be closed Monday the 25th.

It is easy for us all to sit back, eat too much, pontificate, judge and make wild comments of which I'm too well known for but, to the families and friends that have lost veterans either in the line of duty or natural causes let all know they were the best!

And, for those that are serving today they are the best. And, for you that have never served your country - you figure it out. We all want the most and the best in life and in our country but for you that haven't raised your hand and sworn to protect and defend against foreign and domestic then - you figure it out. I certainly was NO hero, barely in the army but, as we have a volunteer military today, folks that stand up and say I love my country and I'm going to prove it by serving, where does one put them compared to those that just "want it but not willing to fight for it" and that includes TOO many of our elected officials in D.C.

My candidate for "water boarding" is the lying Speaker of the House Pelosi how dare she call the CIA anything but magnificent? She is worthless of any respect, Pelosi you should resign on your way back from hiding in China, step down! As Americans we must demand her resignation, pleae discuss this with your friends. No matter how you feel we can't as a country have a lying, cheating fool two heart beats from the top - oh my goodness!

Please thank each and every service person you come in contact with they'll apprectiate it and it'll make you feel good!

God Bless America!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Great Idea What do I do with it?

You listen today at 1PM ET to Concept2Customers with Dr. Ron Hollis and he'll tell you the steps to take an idea to the shelf. Every Friday from 1 to 2 PM Dr. Hollis helps all of us inventive types to become educated to the ups and downs of our ideas and what we can do with them.

If you haven't tuned in or downloaded the program then you should. It is ONLY on and and boy is it a good, informative show that if you've ever had an idea for a "widget" this is the show!

Call or email in during the show and get your inventive question answered on the spot, TODAY!

Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web Radio live on the air for YOU!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

E. D. Hill Discusses It All

From vacuum cleaners to Gitmo E. D. Hill discussed and expressed her opinion on these subjects and more. And, her children's soon to be business Happy Eggs and the aprons E.D. is making for the business. I also found out she finds "catfish" totally disgusting as do many folks.

Catfish like many politicians are bottom feeders in my opinion and I have the same disgust as E.D. and even some of you. But, as always it is fun speaking with the former co-host of Fox & Friends and it is amazing how many are tuning in to the show each Tuesday and Thursday. Don't forget she has two books out that she'll sign just for you!

Have fun and if I'm not too tired later you'll have another blog from

E.D. Hill talks about Gitmo

Listen today as E. D. Hill former co-host of Fox&Friends discusses her views on Gitmo and Congress decision on leaving open or closing. And, Obama's view is it going to be another flip flop as he has done so many times in such a short period of time?

Dodd "what a joke" on his plans for Credit Cards. Dodd is the biggest embarrassment of CT! There has to be something wrong with the water in MA and CT and PA to have representatives/senators like those states continue to send to congress they are terrible but then again I can name a few more!

Tune in 50 minutes from now only on

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

COOP Raffle

If you enter today via PayPal you have a 1 in 300 chance to win a $1295 to $1895 USA Chicken Coop delivered ready to go to you anywhere in the lower 48. The drawing for the coop is May 30 but there are great prizes to be won before then and your ticket is put back in the "hat" for the Grand Prize Chicken Coop.

You only get a raffle like this from America's Web Radio and Radio Sandy Springs. More fun, more GOOD Chat and the best line up of shows anywhere.

Following Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer, is Master Gardener, followed by America's Home Grown Veggies, followed by Road Kill, FireFighter Radio, and the Boy Scout Hour.

Is that a great schedule or what?

Only on and listen and tell your friends into Backyard Poultry they could win a beautiful USA Chicken Coop!

Medicine on Call

Dr. Elaina George is your host for Medicine on Call the whole body show to health! Call or email and please tell all your friends to tune in this show is the BEST in health care! You'll love it and particularly from a woman's view. Today at 9AM only on America's Web Radio! and

Tell a friend!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Flu the Latest

Get the accurate latest flu information by joining the It will keep you up on what, where and where to go for information!

FREE on America's Web Radio

From Atlanta to Portland (OR or ME) if you own a business and want national exposure call in to the America's Web Radio that cares 866-356-0789, between 10 & 11AM every Thursday and tell us about your business and get FREE national exposure as 1000s and 1000s across the country and around-the-world want to hear about your business and your products. and lead the net in providing you a forum to tell the world and if you want more we'll even provide a CD of the interview for a small fee.

National exposure on your unique radio station America's Web Radio where people chat about their passions.

Try it this Thursday at 10AM ET call America's Web Radio and take a couple of minutes to tell the world about your business!

Talk to you Thursday!

E. D. Hill Tomorrow

That's right E.D. Hill will be here on and discussing Obama's ND speech and who knows what else, but it will be fun and always interesting.

Great shows this past weekend starting with Backyard Poultry and discussing what the big boys are doing to the little farmers and even the home vegetable garden. Listen this coming Saturday as Monsanto is to reply to HR875 and many other questions only on and your unique station for the shows you want to listen to.

Also, the Gross Reality is coming to America's Web Radio soon and I think it will become a part of your listening experience on the station.

Attention inventors - Dr. Ron Hollis does Concepts2Customers every Friday from 1 to 2PM and if you've got an invention or have thought about one now you can learn how to take your concept to the store shelf! This is a great show on "How To" turn a dream into a reality!

Have you told a friend about America's Web Radio? If not, please do and if you have an idea for a show email it to and he'll get back to you.

More blogs coming your way from the most unique station in America, America's Web Radio.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Some People Never Learn

It would seem to me that some folks never learn when to tell the truth or say NO.

The first example is the Speaker of the House, she should be the next candidate for "water boarding" so we can possibly get the truth out of, and I use the term loosely, lady. We, and I mean all voting Americans, have made our politicians into a bunch of liars that feel because of position they can get away with saying any thing. Congratulations CIA for standing up to the Speaker. She knows she's lying I wonder when she's going to realize everyone else knows what she is too.

With that said Obama just can't say no to a speech yet today he is hurting a lot of folks just to massage his ego one more time. I'm sorry but I just can't go along with this and I'm a Methodist.

The point of this blog to vent.

Listen Tuesday as we get E. D. Hill's opinion on this and much more only on and

See Ya!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Chicken Coop Raffle

If you enter today via PayPal you have a 1 in 300 chance to win a $1295 to $1895 USA Chicken Coop delivered ready to go to you anywhere in the lower 48. The drawing for the coop is May 30 but there are great prizes to be won before then and your ticket is put back in the "hat" for the Grand Prize Chicken Coop.

You only get a raffle like this from America's Web Radio and Radio Sandy Springs. More fun, more GOOD Chat and the best line up of shows anywhere.

Following Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer, is Master Gardener, followed by America's Home Grown Veggies, followed by Road Kill, FireFighter Radio, and the Boy Scout Hour.

Is that a great schedule or what?

Only on and listen and tell your friends into Backyard Poultry they could win a beautiful USA Chicken Coop!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Coming Soon Kathy Ireland but don't tell the guys!

Pat Montgomery has done it again and The Kathy Ireland is going to be on Pat's show Parents Rule in June.

I don't know about you guys but my heart pumps a little faster when I think of Kathy Ireland. So, thanks Pat this has been enough for my workout for the day.

We are getting so many calls and emails about our great programming, hosts and how it is all coming together at and

Thank ya'll!

Chicken Coop Raffle

The Great Chicken Coop Raffle from Backyard Poultry, USA Coop, and Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web Radio is pushing towards the 300 Ticket Mark which is the ticket limit. Families from 24 states coast-to-coast are entering the raffle, have you?

Tickets are only $10 each up to 10 limit per household. The COOP is a $1295 value east of TX and a $1895 value west of TX all due to shipping. USA Coop will deliver directly to your door. and are happy to be raffling off this Horizon Structure/USA Chicken Coop and you stand a 1 in 300 chance to win. Good ODDS!

Chicken Coop Raffle, Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web Radio, Enter Today!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

America's Web Radio Today

We have it all for you today including the Bariatric Care Network at 3PM ET discussing how to take care of yourself after surgery a the need for support from family, friends and medical staff. If you or someone you know has had bariatric surgery this is a show you must listen to. Please pass it on it is ONLY on and

Call your friends, call or email your questions in today!

E. D. Hill on Radio Sandy Springs

That's right for all of you that didn't know it Ms. E.D. Hill former co-host of Fox & Friends is now on and every Tuesday and Thursday with her views on family, politics and any other subject. You're welcome to email, call or write to E.D. and let us know your thoughts.

Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web Radio and Ms. E. D. Hill it's great!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Radio Sandy Springs/America's Web Radio

We have had a number of folks ask why is now also going by and the answer is simple. Radio Sandy Springs was getting so much national exposure and people wanted more of a national name in buying ads and being a part of the station that we decided that a better "brand" would be to be America's Web Radio.

With such personalities as E.D. Hill the former host on Fox & Friends and other nationally known folks in fairness to everyone we wanted a named that more generally gave the national impact that our show have. From inventors and entrepreneurs to artists and poultry experts, medicine to mobility we have shows of interest to fill almost anyone's needs and we are America's Web Radio station. We don't expect many Girl Scouts to listen to the Boy Scout hour but we do have Boy Scouts and their leaders listening and that's what counts.

You can count on America's Web Radio and we'd like to hear from you at either Radio Sandy Springs or America's Web Radio.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Deal Mr. President

What's the old saying you can fool some of the people part of the time and all of the people none of the time.

Well Mr. President presenting old news in budget cuts of wow 17 billion dollars that most have already been presented and blown away against a 9 trillion dollar budget is and I loved this, "like taking a teaspoon of water out of a full tub with the water running into the tub". Come on, I know it is taking longer than I thought for the American Tax Payer, not just the people that voted for you to wake up and realize you are quite a good con artist. For you old folks from rural areas, Mr. Hide the Facts Obama, would have made a terrific Fuller Brush salesman. Going door to door taking orders and money and promising delivery in the future. The big difference between the Fuller Brush salesman and the President is the Fuller Brush salesman told the truth and delivered.

Who was on the some times Air Force One over New York? Why can't the administration tell us the truth about anything? Where was Mr. Obama born? Where is Mr Obama's birth certificate? Why won't Mr. Obama end this BS and show us his Birth Certificate, Selective Service Records, College Admission Records, Oh No his Pass Port and name his barber? What is this president hiding? Are we going to find and 18 minute "hum" on his tape, an intern under his desk or just an individual that preached transparency and forgot to look up the meaning of the word. What are you hiding Mr. President?

One must give credit where credit is due Mr. President you have made more bad changes in your first days in office than any other crook in the office before you. At least Clinton was subtle in his killing of our military.

Want more information on how the US Congress and Georgia Congress are aimed at destroying health care, then tune in Monday at 10AM for Bill Bennett's show Health Care, the Good, the Bad, and you fill in the rest only on

OK I know there are a few of you'll that will read this and say I'm beating a "dead horse" however, why won't your President release his college admission records, what is he hiding, just answer that one question?

Till later today or when I feel like it that's it for now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What is Obama Hiding?

In this business one continues to get email about "stuff" and one "stuff" that just won't go away is What is the President hiding? It has from the outset seemed so simple to end this discussion by simply showing his damn "REAL" birth certificate. End of story, right?

Well, I didn't set any records in college - maybe drinking but couldn't check on them - but I have a degree and I really don't care who, what or what not knows my grades and what I accomplished at Texas Tech. In some ways I'd be flattered if someone cared enough to ask. My military records are open to anyone and again end of story. Personally if I'd been smart enough, like my father, and the President to have made it into Harvard I'd wave all my credentials in front of everyone's face, why won't Obama?

Now let's really look on the simple side, if he's not hiding where he was born, if he's not really hiding his college records, if he's not really hiding his Selective Service records then why doesn't he embarrass the hell out of all his critics and show the records. Why is he spending millions in attorney fees keeping the information from going public. So he flunked a class at Harvard well I passed one at Tech, SO what? Transparency I believe he ran on, well where is it when it comes to Mr. President's past life? The answer is SO simple show the "STUFF" that people are asking about and they'll go away. They won't email me and I won't blog on the emails I receive.

Oh by the way, I haven't liked a lot of what's been going on and I hate "Congressional Investigations" cause they just cost you and me money but, in this SICK economy I'd sure as hell like to know who was in the backup Air Force One the other day that costed us $328,000. It is my opinion that "he" was giving someone a "joy ride" and obviously got caught. When do we ask the questions and get real answers? They're simple questions and require very simple answers.

With that you can imagine some of the questions I may ask E.D. Hill this morning to get her opinions.

Mr. President - please answer the questions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Where's E.D. Hill in the Morning?

Former co-host of Fox&Friends will be on tomorrow at 8:00AM ET for her show Good Morning with E.D. Hill.

Only E.D. knows for sure what she's going to be talking about but I know for sure it's going to be fun, opinionated, and from a lady!

Remind everyone you know to tune in and get another great hour with E.D. Hill only on America's Web Radio!

Food - What Are You Going to Eat this Summer?

Between hard times and the desire to eat good foods our show America's Home Grown Veggies and Backyard Poultry are the most timely radio shows in America. Experts address your topics and what you need to do to not only eat better but make sure your family survives in less than great times. is doing everything we possibly can to help you, your family and your friends survive and we need your help by passing our information on to everyone you know to let them know there is a place to turn for information. and are here to help you and want you to let us know topics and subjects you'd like addressed. Please comment, email or call during the shows.

Don't forget we have our American Host E.D. Hill loved by all cause she tells it like it is! Tune in Tuesdays and Thursdays for E.D.

Chicken Coop Raffle, BUT . . .

If you have raffle tickets for the Great Chicken Coop Radio Raffle on and you're eligible to win this Saturday a $50 Gift Certificate from Randall Burkey and that same ticket will be thrown (placed) back in the hat to win the Grand Chicken Coop Prize.

We've limited the Radio Raffle to ONLY 300 tickets so your chance of winning are very good. The more tickets you buy up to 10 per family, well you figure the odds they are GOOD!

Just go to to Purchase, scroll down to Billing and Donations, type in dollar amount ($10 to $100) 1 to 10 tickets and fill in the rest of the information.

We've already had one winner last week and will have more up to the big drawing. Get your tickets now before they're all sold out for this Chicken Coop Radio Raffle!

Good Morning with E.D. Hill

Wow, what a great show and obviously from the emails and calls people love E.D. Hill the former co-host of Fox&Friends on the Fox News Network.

Good Morning with E.D. Hill is every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8 to 9AM and it is E.D. at her best, doing her own thing and giving you her opinion on any topic you want! So, let us hear from you at 1-866-356-0789 or email me (for right now) with your comments and questions for E.D. Hill.

Ron Hollis Hosts Concept2Customer

Tune in each Friday at 1:00PM ET for Dr. Ron Hollis only on and as he discusses all aspects of being an inventor - the concept- and taking that idea all the way to the shelf of your favorite store.

Have you ever had an idea for a product? If so then you need to listen to Concept2Customer only on

Tell your family and inventive friends this is the place to learn how to make an idea a reality.

Chicken Coop Raffle Tickets

The limited number (300) raffle tickets for the $1295 to $1895 depending on where one livesare selling quickly. Since adding the ability to purchase tickets via PayPal sales have more than doubled.

With only 300 tickets being sold your chance are 1 in 300 unless you buy the maximum number of ticket per family of 10 and then figure your odds of winning, much better than most raffles! So, to insure you get tickets order today and don't forget we have other prizes being drawn for each Saturday on Backyard Poultry from 9 to 10AM, and then the winner's ticket is put back in the bowl and can win again!

Enter today! It's fun and you might just be getting a new home for your future flock or current flock.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Morning with E.D. Hill

At 8:00 AM ET join the former co-host of Fox and Friends as begins Good Morning with E.D. Hill exclusively on and Email E.D. with question you'd like her to answer Thursday. Be sure to email your friends like all of us that loved E.D. and missed her - now she's back on and TUNE IN!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Chicken Coop Raffle Tickets

By popular demand or not so popular we've just had too many calls asking that we take some type of credit card payment for the Chicken Coop Raffle ticket so we're going to and here's how to do it!

Go to, purchases, scroll down to Billing and Donations, type in COOP, your name, email address, phone, and shipping address. You can purchase 1 to 10 tickets ($10 to $100) and that's it. Or, mail your check to Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web Radio, 8010 Roswell Road, Suite 290, Sandy Springs, GA 30350. We're well on our way to our limit of 300 tickets so order today if you'd like the opportunity to win a USA Built Chicken Coop from Horizon Structures it is a $1295 to $1895 Coop depending on your location and the outside odds are 1 in 300!

Act today, drawings for other prizes every Saturday!

E. D. Hill Tomorrow

Tune in tomorrow at 8:00AM for the new Good Morning with E.D. Hill Show only on We all remember how loved she was, and is, from being co-host on Fox and Friends for many years and now you can hear her exclusively on America's Web Radio.

If you have a question for E.D. address it to or david@americaswebradio and she'll answer it. We'll also be setting up a line on the net to ask questions directly.

Tune in and please tell all your friends that E. D. Hill is now regularly on www.america'!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Where's E.D. Hill


Where’s E.D. Hill from Fox News?

E.D. Hill formerly with Fox News and co-host of Fox & Friends for many years will begin hosting live Good Morning with E.D. Hill on and beginning Tuesday May 5, 2009 from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Tuesdays and Thursdays initially.

E.D. brings her vast experience, knowledge, humor, views, comments and talent to America's Web Radio. Topics will range from current events to raising kids with guests and as much fun as is possible in the incredible mix only on America's Web Radio.

You are invited to participate by emailing your questions or comments to: or please let your family, friends and strangers know where E.D. Hill is now,