Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Food - What Are You Going to Eat this Summer?

Between hard times and the desire to eat good foods our show America's Home Grown Veggies and Backyard Poultry are the most timely radio shows in America. Experts address your topics and what you need to do to not only eat better but make sure your family survives in less than great times. is doing everything we possibly can to help you, your family and your friends survive and we need your help by passing our information on to everyone you know to let them know there is a place to turn for information. and are here to help you and want you to let us know topics and subjects you'd like addressed. Please comment, email or call during the shows.

Don't forget we have our American Host E.D. Hill loved by all cause she tells it like it is! Tune in Tuesdays and Thursdays for E.D.

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