Friday, September 25, 2009

Fiddo v. You

And, the court rules in favor of the plaintiff Fiddo, for mental cruelty to a dog while being house broken and for not supplying enough Milk Bones when Fiddo whined. The plaintiff is to be given extra Milk Bones until he dies from over consumption at which time he is to be buried next to Michael Jackson, wherever he is.

Now does this sound stupid? Well the latest Czar wants to give your pet the right to sue. I've had it. And, now we're giving aid, child support to Libya? That like giving a g;ass of water to a full lake. They don't need our money they just want to show the world how stupid this government is, and they're doing a fine job of it. But, not as good a job as Obama is doing in showing how stupid our government has come particularly under his eight months.

After quickly viewing the indoctrination of children with the Obama songs in some, I believe, NJ school I went to bed thinking about this blog.

What are we or have we come to? Czars, Obama giving-a-way our limited power, three or four terrorist plots broken this week, and the education AH Czar Cass Sustein and I'm not sure I'm spelling his name right and don't care. Now he's the latest idiot, this idiot is not even in left field he's not even in the same state as the ballpark. If you haven't read some of his garbage ideas then you should. Then again ask yourself, is one the reflection of the company one keeps. Then immediately go to the bathroom and get sick.

Again I ask, what has this country come to in either such a short or maybe long period, either way I don't like what I'm seeing.

Lastly, if the "Law" and many agencies were involved have found four cities that were targets how many more can they find with their "hands tied behind their backs"?

We must keep talking and election time taking aggressive action! And, I didn't even mention ACORN and they are/were certainly a group Obama hung with! Have we figured it out yet?



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Whatever Means Necessary

"-- Investigators are hunting about a dozen people in connection with a plot to detonate bombs in U.S., source tells CNN."

Folks we can call it whatever you want. Our cowardly administration doesn't want to call them "terrorist" but frankly I can't think of a better name. And, as we all know, or at least the folks reading this know, we are at war. And, if we don't use and exert every means necessary to get information to protect ourselves the "terrorist" will win.

After the latest in the administrations give a ways to Russia and the other acts of cowardliness do you really think our enemies are not watching? Do you think we just got lucky on the above? Do you think this is the only group out there or in our country that want to do your family, you, your friends harm. Get serious, I'm for using every means necessary to get and keep the intelligence flowing into to our FBI, CIA and other agencies charged with protect us from our enemies. If our Muslim president wants to give-a-way our rights of protection then why doesn't he take his family and buddies like Holder and move to Iran?

Our "means necessary" are to contact everyone you know and start hitting our supposed representatives and let them know how you feel before the first explosion in quite possibly in your neighborhood or rail. These folks aren't kidding and we the people must do something. Our coward of a president won't stop his own Attorney General when seven bi-partisan former CIA directors ask him to. This arrogant administration must be stopped and our law enforcement agencies must be given the tools and authority to gather intelligence by Whatever Means Necessary. I don't want us to wake up after my wife or one of my children have been killed by our terrorist enemies because some cowardly, arrogant individual wanted to prove something. These people only understand one thing POWER, weak negotiation gets no where. Just look at the worst President EVER Carter. Look out America here it comes and the ONLY way we'll be ready is to use Whatever Means Necessary!



Friday, September 18, 2009

Open Season on Environmentalist

From the San Joaquin Valley of California this land was once considered the bread basket of America, roughly 12 percent of our nation's agricultural output came from this valley between Bakersfield and Sacramento.

Last night I stayed up and watched Hannity and I'm appalled at what I watched and for that reason declaring OPEN Season on these stupid tree hugging environmentalist by calling, emailing, writing, talking to your Congress Person and friends. These idiots are "protecting" a minnow and about to reek total havoc on all of us. As stated their "saving the minnow" is affecting 38 million people. And, it is or is going to affect you directly!!!! Food prices will continue to go up, how do you like that?

With all the other crap going on tempers are close to the boiling point and we going to have tragedy striking from coast to coast. When groups and generally small ones can put 1000s and 1000s out of work on farms by shutting off the farmer's water supply it is in every way crazy. Environmentalist that can't see what they're doing best be heading for cover. Please go back and read this story it is about your family, you, and turning fertile soil into the dust bowl all for one stupid little minnow, that I don't give a damn whether we save or not. THIS IS STUPID, please figure out a way we can get water to and help these farmers!!!

I'm sorry I'm getting so upset about this, the government in general, the sucking b _ _ _ _ _ _ _, at ACORN and our STUPID representatives that have let everyone get away with everything, that I have to stop this blog before I get sick!!!

Please either pass this on, write your less than good Congress person, or just go out in your front yard and scream!



Friday, September 11, 2009

And The Winner is…. The Medical Insurance Industry

By: Dr. Elaina F. George

The suspense is over. For weeks we have been holding our collective breath to see if there would be real insurance reform. Now we know. President Obama’s speech this evening incorporated a lot of different ideas, but what was most striking was his statement that the public option was just one of the avenues that could be travelled to achieve an expansion of insurance coverage. Besides the demotion of the public option as an important tool to reign in the all powerful insurance companies, I noticed that there was no mention of universal health care. Wasn’t that the point of this whole exercise?

To be fair there are some good things. Under the President’s proposal there will be:

§ Coverage for pre-existing conditions

§ A cap on out-of-pocket expenses

§ People can no longer be dropped from insurance companies when they get sick

§ No further cap on what insurance companies will pay out

It is a good start, but it doesn’t go far enough. The President spoke about slowing the growth of healthcare expense, but he did not discuss a reversal of the cost of health care. With the average medical insurance premium for an individual costing over 6,000 dollars and a family almost 12,000 per year, how does this help a middle or working class family both struggling to stay in their home and feed their family? Will it really help them to have mandates to purchase insurance at this price or face a penalty?

For those who cannot afford to pay for insurance and don’t qualify for government assistance this will amount to a new “tax” that can disproportionately affect the working class and poor who are already affected by barriers that obstruct their access to care. Currently of the 47 million people who are uninsured, 17 million of them are people who meet the financial criteria to receive Medicaid or Medicare. They are waiting to get into these programs, but because of state budget constraints or the wait associated with a shortage of physicians who actually still take these insurances, they are effectively out in the cold. I don’t see how the President’s proposal will ease this crisis.

As it stands, his proposal will ensure that insurance companies get millions more customers who have nowhere to go. Even those people who enter the ‘exchanges’ will also have to buy private insurance since the weakened version of the public-lite alternative will not come online until 4 years from now. Essentially, he is asking us to trust the insurance companies to play nice. The theory appears to be that by gaining more money in volume; perhaps they will charge people less? In a for-profit industry I am skeptical that this will work since it has not worked to this point. The insurance companies have had free reign and they have rigged the system to maximize profits on the backs of patients and physicians. Like Wall Street, they have now been rewarded for their bad behavior.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Is Voting Our Only Weapon?

The elections of 2010 seem so far away at the moment as the ONLY way to literally clean the "HOUSE" and one third of the Senate. We're a year and two plus months from using our last weapon, the vote, to get rid of what's going on in Washington and I'm afraid it may be to little too late. Considering the fact that OUR legal vote may in reality be diluted by the votes of millions of illegal aliens that will vote even though that have NO right. Then again they had no right to come into OUR country, did they? So I've been thinking and sending friends emails, because I think my friends are smarter than I am or maybe they have friends that are smarter than we are, asking what can we do now?

Besides emails and the like I've been doing a lot of thinking and we all realize we're up against the most perverted, narcissistic, smooth, crafty, lying and sick socialist to ever be in OUR White House. He and his sick followers and advisers want to destroy us, and OUR country and they're doing a pretty good job of it rapidly from the economy to heath care and even trying to recruit our children, this must be stopped. With this all said I have concluded and it's really not brilliant that the ONLY thing we can do is exactly what I'm doing but, we must not just talk between like minded we must recruit from the left, the ones on the fence and those to lazy to care.

We must not just keep stirring the pot, we must keep the pot boiling for 14 months. We must go after every thing and supporting everyone and every institution that sees and is willing to point out what a travesty of government we have at this writing. Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers and even if they're totally on the other side plant the seed of "questioning". We must keep asking questions like do you want your grand kids to be paying for the mistakes we made in 2008, 2009, 2010? Why do we need a government run health care plan for 15% of our population? Have you really listened to someone from Canada explain their health care plan, and oh ask a Canadian how he or she enjoys paying 50% in taxes? Keep asking the moderate liberals questions. Liberals seem to "know it all" so ask the question and be sure they give a REAL answer not just a dodge.

Keep the pot "Boiling" with blogs, emails, questions to media, questions, questions, questions until 2010, then vote the liberal garbage out of office. Oh, please take Pelosi, Rengal and the rest all in one day! VOTE

By the way enough heat got rid of at least one CZAR (Van Jones) let's go after the rest!



Friday, September 4, 2009

What's It Coming To Obama?

Maybe I'm wrong but I haven't been so far, even going back well before the election of Obama. I said then and I'll say now his group of friends and advisers will stoop as far as necessary to get what they want, proof in the pudding, Chicago. In fact how did he get to be president without credentials?

Thank God I no longer have children in public school as Obama is now trying to use them in his agenda to control all minds. Between Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boxer and the rest of the extreme liberals we have a real problem and I hope you recognize it as do so many others now.

I was asked the other day would I prefer a corrupt business like an Enron or have government control and the answer was clear. I'll take a corrupt few individuals in a capitalistic society over government control any day. At least if we find a business corrupt we have, at least today, a means of laws to go after them. But, if it is government corruption and we've seen that too, where do we turn? Absolutely NO options or recourse with a government controlled entity, I wonder how good your GM warranty is going to be? Is it the GMObama warranty, he lies about everything else why not your auto warranty?

Taxes - if you're a democrat and chair of the House Ways and Means Committee you don't have to pay taxes until caught and then no penalties, makes me want to run for Congress. Or, if you say white folk are blowing bad smoke at blacks and declare yourself a communist like Van Jones then you get the right to blow in Obama's ear. YUK!

Heard the term "Hell in a hat basket" does it fit anything today? Means we have to really make a change, clean HOUSE/Senate and get responsible representation, not what we have. Again I say, ask your representative to sign a pledge to live under same rules, laws and policies they want us to live under; health care and Social Security for starters!

New shows on and like the Sheep and Goat Radio Show with Ray Bowman, new health show, new petite women's show, new business show and more for your listening pleasure, now there's an old line.




Thursday, September 3, 2009

It's Your Health!

6 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Makes It Hard For Your Doctor To Take Care Of You

By: Dr. Elaina George

There is a major misconception about the reasons for the rise in the cost of healthcare. Procedures and the practice of defensive medicine have been described as the main reasons for the exponential rise. However, the reality could not be farther from what is portrayed on TV series like Nip/Tuck. The medical insurance industry has fueled the campaign of misinformation to enhance their divide and conquer strategy. As long as people spend their energy on blaming doctors, they have less energy to pay attention to rising deductibles, premiums and co-insurance. In short, the insurance companies benefit by keeping doctors and patients at odds. In reality when a doctor charges for a procedure or performs a surgery what is paid is no where near the amount that was charged. In short, the increase in patient premiums, deductibles etc… have gone to pay administrative costs and CEO salaries.

These are 6 things you need to know so you can understand the barriers your doctor has to navigate to take good care of you:

  1. Insurance companies change what they will pay for

Through the pre-certification process, insurance companies will change what services they will reimburse. This list can change yearly. It is driven by insurance company costs and not by medical necessity as determined by the doctor and the patient.

  1. Insurance companies have gatekeepers that look for reasons to deny recommended services

Insurance companies have physicians and/or nurses on staff that can deny services. The person that reviews the procedure may not even be someone familiar with the medical procedure (for example, a psychiatrist reviewing the records of a surgeon).

  1. Insurance gatekeepers get bonus compensation when they save the company money

This is pretty self explanatory – it pays to deny care.

  1. Insurance companies discount payments for surgery and other procedures.

This is a process called bundling. If the procedure has a left and right side like knee surgery or has several steps. like sinus surgery, the surgeon will be paid a steeply discounted rate that can be as high as an 80% discount. For example, a surgeon will be paid the discounted insurance allowed amount for the 1st side and 50% for the second side. If it is a multi-step procedure, the surgeon will be paid the allowed amount for the 1st step, 50% for the second step and 25% for 3-5th step then nothing for anything beyond the 5th step.

5. Insurance companies make a bigger profit by delaying payment to doctors

A study showed that an insurance company can make as much as $84,000 in bank interest rates each day they pay

a claim late. By law an average clean claim (with no errors) should be paid from 14-30 days after it is submitted

by a doctor’s office. The average claim is paid anywhere from 30-45 days. Some claims, after multiple appeals,

can take up to a year to be paid after the service was given.

6. Insurance companies can ask the doctor for reimbursement of paid claims indefinitely.

A doctor has 120 days to submit a claim, after that time he/she may not submit a charge or charge the patient. However, an insurance company can ask for reimbursement with no time limit.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rolling, Rolling, Rolling . . .

Rawhide, the buses are rolling towards D.C. and there is going to be some rawhide after they arrive. In my adult life I have not seen anything like this and believe it could possibly be the turning point in our country, amazing.

Jimmy Carter was no winner, and folks expressed their opinions but the two parties did not come together against a common cause like they're doing now. Oh, you have the "yellow dog demos" that are standing by their man but what I'm seeing and hearing is Americans coming together and there is no party, they don't like any elected official on either side of the fence.

Just let me remind you what this is all about, the country elected a person and organization that thinks they can handle your affairs better than you. So, quite possibly an unqualified person resides in your White House, making up rules (czars) and getting bills passed that finally got your attention when the Stimulus (TAX) hit you in one place that it counts your wallet and if that wasn't enough then he hits you with a stupid health plan that will increase taxes and give you poor service and this is to take care of 15% of the population of which a large portion don't want or don't deserve your dollars for their care!!!

I support and I hope it is we support the DC Tea Party and on today is Coach Dave Daubenmire from Ohio that is in the news just trying to get his US Representative to have a Town Hall Meeting and the cowardly Rep Zack Space won't do it. I wonder if this Space cadet will do as we ask and take the health care plan and Social Security? My suggestion is to vote Space right out of office as soon as possible. Let Zack Space go talk to himself!

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