The elections of 2010 seem so far away at the moment as the ONLY way to literally clean the "HOUSE" and one third of the Senate. We're a year and two plus months from using our last weapon, the vote, to get rid of what's going on in Washington and I'm afraid it may be to little too late. Considering the fact that OUR legal vote may in reality be diluted by the votes of millions of illegal aliens that will vote even though that have NO right. Then again they had no right to come into OUR country, did they? So I've been thinking and sending friends emails, because I think my friends are smarter than I am or maybe they have friends that are smarter than we are, asking what can we do now?
Besides emails and the like I've been doing a lot of thinking and we all realize we're up against the most perverted, narcissistic, smooth, crafty, lying and sick socialist to ever be in OUR White House. He and his sick followers and advisers want to destroy us, and OUR country and they're doing a pretty good job of it rapidly from the economy to heath care and even trying to recruit our children, this must be stopped. With this all said I have concluded and it's really not brilliant that the ONLY thing we can do is exactly what I'm doing but, we must not just talk between like minded we must recruit from the left, the ones on the fence and those to lazy to care.
We must not just keep stirring the pot, we must keep the pot boiling for 14 months. We must go after every thing and supporting everyone and every institution that sees and is willing to point out what a travesty of government we have at this writing. Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers and even if they're totally on the other side plant the seed of "questioning". We must keep asking questions like do you want your grand kids to be paying for the mistakes we made in 2008, 2009, 2010? Why do we need a government run health care plan for 15% of our population? Have you really listened to someone from Canada explain their health care plan, and oh ask a Canadian how he or she enjoys paying 50% in taxes? Keep asking the moderate liberals questions. Liberals seem to "know it all" so ask the question and be sure they give a REAL answer not just a dodge.
Keep the pot "Boiling" with blogs, emails, questions to media, questions, questions, questions until 2010, then vote the liberal garbage out of office. Oh, please take Pelosi, Rengal and the rest all in one day! VOTE
By the way enough heat got rid of at least one CZAR (Van Jones) let's go after the rest!
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