Friday, December 18, 2009

Obama's Brain Damaged by Climate Change

Here it is according to CNN: There is no time to waste' on climate change according, President Obama tells U.N. Climate Change Conference.

HELLO, Mr. President have you been affected by the cold weather and missed the news that there is NO global warming and that, OH NO, the climate changes - that's called NATURE you well educated so YOU say person.

In my opinion Obama with these kind of statements, is trying to finish off bankrupting the US at a tune of 100 billion per year it is time to have this guy's head checked.

Mr. Obama, you illegal prez, pull your head out and listen to the American Citizen that you have NO respect for!

1. We didn't and don't like your crappy stimulus plan
2. We don't like yours or the congressional health care plan
3. We don't like your TARP
4. We don't like you apologizing for anything
5. We don't like the fact that you can't find your heart with your right hand when people of honor pass by
5. We don't like your Climate Change Plan
6. In the latest polls WE DON'T LIKE YOU, you arrogant incompetent person posing as a leader. A leader of what? Certainly not OUR country of One Nation Under God, remember?
7. We don't like the communist you've surrounded yourself with and we don't like the fact you haven't read and don't respect OUR Constitution, which if not careful you may be forced to read some day.

Folks between the apologies, health care, bailouts, and now this climate change crap we're being sold down the river and it is time to stand up and be heard, NOW!


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