Friday, March 26, 2010

We Get What We Pay For!

Never in my years on this planet and in the most wonderful country on this planet did I figure that We the People would elect a person based on color, lies, hatred of this country, and a communist to be our president.

By-the-way I put color in my opening statement because a lot of people voted for this lying piece of garbage based strictly on that fact never listening or asking if he was qualified. And, he and his communist associates bring up race now as part of their plan to continue to divide our nation in their hopes of conquest. Well boy, I've got news for you. We are Americans, not communist like you, and we don't look at race we look at the individual and you and your communist friends are about to get a taste of unity you never thought possible. You and your communist friends have missed the boat one more time because We the People are going to put you, your communist friends and policies under, burned, destroyed and unable to rise again.

Oh, you've screwed us for now and it is going to take a little time to get you communist cleaned out of our system but we will and when we do we again will have our WHITE House. We're even having problems identifying our leader but rest assured one is on his or her way, black, brown, green or white in stepping forth to lead in the destruction of you and your communist regime.

You, your communist brothers have missed judge Americans, sure you're still conning a few but you dumb f _ _ _ (I know this excites you after Biden blew in your ear. Proving once more you and your people have class, just LOWER) read the polls, listen to the news, or check your toilet, you are going down the drain and sooner than you think. You and your buddies are cowards! You don't even have the guts to show us your records if you even have any to show. I'm proud to have been born in The United States of America and don't mind showing my birth certificate why don't you, you liar?

Hope you have trouble sleeping at night knowing that real Americans are going to vote you out! Oh, and for all of us go have another smoke and speed things up you hypocrite! Take Alinsky to bed with you because he too, totally underestimated what an American is capable of doing with a vote! You and your communist friends saw one side and you're about to see the other side.

Treason and derelict of duty are in your future and those communist you've surrounded yourself with and I hope Joe the Plumber is there to watch you fall, and fall you will it is only a matter of time as the clock approaches November then you'll be next.


Friday, March 19, 2010

What Can We Do Regard a Corrupt House and Senate?

There is only one thing we can do and that's to between now and November make the individuals voting for this travesty of a so-called Health Care Bill - the ObamaCare Bill absolutely miserable. How? By letting them know we know how they voted, call their office every day, tie up their telephone lines, don't let them go out in public without being pointed out as what they are. And, what are they?

Anyone voting for the "Bill" or the "Rule" or whatever they're calling it today is breaking their Oath-of-Office to uphold The Constitution of the United States. You know what I mean but if you need me to clarify it I'll be happy to. These people are in D.C. to represent us not to do as they will and certainly not to break OUR Constitution.

There have been many bills and laws over the years that I haven't liked and haven't supported but it has NEVER become this personal. I dislike these cowardly, un-American, Constitution breaking, pieces of garbage lead by and unqualified community organizer that is a LIAR, a person that is so sick as to think she is capable of leading my HOUSE and a man with no morals and soon to be unemployed. We let them in, now we must KICK their sorry asses OUT! Obama if you were not a liar then why are you hiding your documentation-folks if this isn't an example of getting what you paid for, I don't know a better. Am I upset, damn straight to the point of almost hating and that I know that only hurts me. So, not to hate we must get even and we get even by 1) Voting them out of office 2) Proving them impeachable by breaking their Oath 3) Taking away their pension and perks. We must make their lives and that actions examples so others won't follow and that others will know it is OUR Country!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Make Your Congressman Accountable

We've been doing it wrong and it took me until yesterday to figure it out. The following is what we must do and time is running out!

We must not just call and say vote no we must call our Republican Reps and ask them point blank how many demo buddies have your actually pulled to the side and explained to them how bad ObamaCare is and if they haven't suggest they do it immediately! They can also explain to the demo they're going to be unemployed soon!

I called my doctor Congressman Tom Price and you wouldn't believe the answer I received back! Listen at 8A EST to and I'm going to read it word for word. I no longer wonder what the problem is and what they are in D.C.

We The People are the only chance this country has to survive and folks mark my word it is going to literally be a fight. God Bless Yesterday's and Tomorrow's America!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Congressional Phone Numbers of Fence Riders

Call them now and please pass on!!!

Here it is:
Rep. John Adler (NJ) 202-225-4765
Rep. Jason Altmire (PA) 202-225-2565
Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY) 202-225-3665
Rep. Brian Baird (WA) 202-225-3536
Rep. John Barrow (GA) 202-225-2823
Rep. Marion Berry (AR) 202-225-407
Rep. Tim Bishop (NY) 202-225-3826
Rep. John Boccieri (OH) 202-225-3876
Rep. Dan Boren (OK) 202-225-2701
Rep. Rick Boucher (VA) 202-225-3861
Rep. Allen Boyd (FL) 202-225-5235
Rep. Bobby Bright (AL) 202-225-2901
Rep. Dennis Cardoza (CA) 202-225-6131
Rep. Chris Carney (PA) 202-225-3731
Rep. Ben Chandler (KY) 202-225-4706
Rep. Travis Childers (MS) 202-225-4306
Rep. Jim Costa (CA) 202-225-3341
Rep. Artur Davis (AL) 202-225-2665
Rep. Lincoln Davis (TN) 202-225-6831
Rep. Joe Donnelly (IN) 202-225-3915
Rep. Steve Driehaus (OH) 202-225-2216
Rep. Chet Edwards (TX) 202-225-6501
Rep. Brad Ellsworth (IN) 202-225-4636
Rep. Gabby Giffords (AZ) 202-225-2542
Rep. Bart Gordon (TN) 202-225-4231
Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (SD) 202-225-2801
Rep. Baron Hill (IN) 202-225-5315
Rep. Paul Hodes (NH) 202-225-5206
Rep. Tim Holden (PA) 202-225-5546
Rep. Larry Kissell (NC) 202-225-3715
Rep. Suzanne Kosmas (FL) 202-225-2706
Rep. Frank Kratovil (MD) 202-225-5311
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH) 202-225-5871
Rep. Dan Maffei (NY) 202-225-3701
Rep. Betsy Markey (CO) 202-225-4676
Rep. Jim Marshall (GA) 202-225-6531
Rep. Jim Matheson (UT) 202-225-3011
Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC) 202-225-2731
Rep. Michael McMahon (NY) 202-225-3371
Rep. Charlie Melancon (LA) 202-225-4031
Rep. Walt Minnick (ID) 202-225-6611
Rep. Harry Mitchell (AZ) 202-225-2190
Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA) 202-225-4276
Rep. Glenn Nye (VA) 202-225-4215
Rep. Bill Owens (NY) 202-225-4611
Rep. Collin Peterson (MN) 202-225-2165
Rep. Earl Pomeroy (ND) 202-225-2611
Rep. Mike Ross (AR) 202-225-3772
Rep. Mark Schauer (MI) 202-225-6276
Rep. Kurt Schrader (OH) 202-225-5711
Rep. Heath Shuler (NC) 202-225-6401
Rep. Ike Skelton (MO) 202-225-2867
Rep. Zach Space (OH) 202-225-6265
Rep. John Tanner (TN) 202-225-4714
Rep. Gene Taylor (MS) 202-225-5772
Rep. Harry Teague (NM) 202-225-2365
Rep. Dina Titus (NV) 202-225-3252
Rep. Charlie Wilson (OH) 202-225-5705

Sunday, March 7, 2010

D. Duck, M. Mouse or J. Biden and the Answer is?

Which would you rather have representing us in the Middle East trying to find peace between Israel and Palestine? With foot in mouth continually, never accomplishing a thing for all the time in the Senate, giving away defense secrets, and generally a player in another world I can tell you who I don't want!

This administration has been against our best and only real friend in the that region of the world. Since 1947 when established Israel has had the backbone to stand and fight countries much bigger and stronger. And, today faced with an even bigger threat Iran the administration is sending two losers the biggest being Biden.

Folks it is time to speak up and face the fact that this administration is inept at domestic and foreign policy. So, what is it good at? Nothing, other than trying to take our freedoms away, re-write history, take our children, apologize for NO reason to the world and screw over all of us. I'm sorry I shouldn't be so crude but Obama and his thugs from Chicago bring out my worse side. Obama now has a fool's approval rate in the forties and dropping and well it should. But, to send a fool like Biden to the Middle East is like sending a gas tanker to a fire. Some "great person of wisdom once said," "Stupid is as stupid does" and Mr. President you demonstrate this so well.

Keep talking, stay upset and let's get rid of them all in November! If by some SICK chance the idiots in the Senate push through "Reconciliation" then it is open season on all of them come November and the voting booth. Each of us should make each Senator's life miserable when they recess and come home. If these fools can hear 82% of the population saying, "We don't want ObamaCare" then give them hell and let them know the free ride is OVER! Then let's really push to MAKE both houses of Congress live as they force us to!

In my opinion Donald or Mickey are both better options for peace than Biden!


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Say Yes to Reconciliation Today!

This is really terrible but when I heard Saturday about the Chile earthquake my first terrible thought was not for the poor victims of the quake but, HOW CAN WE AS A COUNTRY AFFORD TO SEND HELP? This stomach sickening thought was then followed by Obama taking another photo op to announce and promise Chile all the help needed from the United States. By this point I was really sick, by myself and wanted to throw up.

Now this is really going to shock my conservative friends and readers of this blog. I am for "reconciliation" that's right I am for "RECONCILIATION". And, it reconciliation be done right NOW as I'm writing!

That's right Mr. Obama I'm for RECONCILIATION right now, unfortunately I'm not sure you're qualified to do it. You say you have a law degree well we haven't seen it or even your birth certificate and so far your entire qualifications consist of being a community organize for a corrupt organization, an Illinois politician and we know they're pretty much all crooks, a very short term US Senator (and no good at that) and now a very poor leader of the free world as president! But, back to reconciliation - before you start giving out OUR money again, you need to take out paper, pencil and a big eraser and RECONCILE our US checkbook! I hate to tell someone as arrogant as you but, the country with your help in the last 14 months is BROKE. To help you out that means we have NO money to give to anyone! If you write another check it is going to bounce! You know what that means? If you write another "Big One" check you should go to jail for writing bad checks! E.D. Hill and I we're talking about this on Radio Sandy Springs and America's Web Radio yesterday, simply put the US government is broke, out of money, can't afford to do anything and we are basically owned by China.

I know it is too much to ask you Barrack (first names good enough for him, good enough for me), you Ms. Pelosi, you Mr. Reid to understand but this crazy spending here and around the world has to STOP! Both parties are guilty and the American Voter is pissed and we're going to put a stop to your inability to represent US. So listen and listen good the country is broke, and we don't like you, the crooks you surround yourself with or your policies and this goes for the administration and Congress. God, how many crooks have we elected and kept in Congress, hello Charlie!

We must stay involved, must NOT let ObamaCare pull one over on us and MUST attack in November with our vote and get rid of these NON-Americans (socialist/communist) that we put in power. We put them there to serve NOT destroy our economy and nation as a whole. Stay upset, sick and tired of these jerks in office and let's work together to get rid of them!

Say YES to Reconciliation Today-Let's make the idiots in power RECONCILE our US checkbook before they spend another dime of our (your) tax dollar!
