Friday, March 26, 2010

We Get What We Pay For!

Never in my years on this planet and in the most wonderful country on this planet did I figure that We the People would elect a person based on color, lies, hatred of this country, and a communist to be our president.

By-the-way I put color in my opening statement because a lot of people voted for this lying piece of garbage based strictly on that fact never listening or asking if he was qualified. And, he and his communist associates bring up race now as part of their plan to continue to divide our nation in their hopes of conquest. Well boy, I've got news for you. We are Americans, not communist like you, and we don't look at race we look at the individual and you and your communist friends are about to get a taste of unity you never thought possible. You and your communist friends have missed the boat one more time because We the People are going to put you, your communist friends and policies under, burned, destroyed and unable to rise again.

Oh, you've screwed us for now and it is going to take a little time to get you communist cleaned out of our system but we will and when we do we again will have our WHITE House. We're even having problems identifying our leader but rest assured one is on his or her way, black, brown, green or white in stepping forth to lead in the destruction of you and your communist regime.

You, your communist brothers have missed judge Americans, sure you're still conning a few but you dumb f _ _ _ (I know this excites you after Biden blew in your ear. Proving once more you and your people have class, just LOWER) read the polls, listen to the news, or check your toilet, you are going down the drain and sooner than you think. You and your buddies are cowards! You don't even have the guts to show us your records if you even have any to show. I'm proud to have been born in The United States of America and don't mind showing my birth certificate why don't you, you liar?

Hope you have trouble sleeping at night knowing that real Americans are going to vote you out! Oh, and for all of us go have another smoke and speed things up you hypocrite! Take Alinsky to bed with you because he too, totally underestimated what an American is capable of doing with a vote! You and your communist friends saw one side and you're about to see the other side.

Treason and derelict of duty are in your future and those communist you've surrounded yourself with and I hope Joe the Plumber is there to watch you fall, and fall you will it is only a matter of time as the clock approaches November then you'll be next.


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