Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Bus That Can't

As everyone knows that has picked up any news in the last few days, our illegal lying president has been out on the road using two buses at a cost of 1.25 million a piece to campaign illegally. He's out telling the same lies about everything from the economy to health care that he was lying about 3 years ago. The irony is he's preaching what he's going to do for unemployment - right a man is known by his actions, so he gets 2 buses built in Canada to help out US unemployment. Wow, I'm missing something here, I guess it was the class in community organizing 101 that I missed that would have made me an unemployment genius.

The difference between my stupidity and the "B" fellow in OUR White House is:

I'll show you my birth certificate
I'll show you my high school diploma and university degree
I'll show you my one and only Social Security Number
I'll show you my military record
I'll show you my employment record as an entrepreneur
I'll show you just about anything else vital you'd like to see and be more than happy to show that piece of crap in OUR White House a "Moon Shot" let me know when I can do that!

Oh, and from that ugly arrogant thing that doesn't deserve the title of "first lady" she sends her pagan thanks for her tax paid vacation she's on, by the way how many vacations does the Kenyan get in one year.

Are you tired of supporting a foreign government in Washington D.C.? If so, then get off your butts and do something about it! March in D.C. Sept 17, call and drive your state and federal representatives crazy, demand the truth about "the first black president", demand our rights be returned as One Nation Under God, finally pray because it is going to get physically worse before it gets better.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Can't Wish A Liar a Happy Birthday

After what this liar of a human being, purveyor of forgery, communist "thing" that was elected president of what was the greatest country in the world the only thing I can wish this piece of garbage on his birthday (if it really is his birthday) is that he does NOT see another birthday in Our White House he should enjoy it next year from a jailhouse!

In two short years he's whined his way in to the worst health care plan ever, slashed our military into almost nothing, crapped all over Our Constitution, turned whites and blacks against each other, formed a secret civil military right under our nose, appointed czars with more power than approved Cabinet Secretaries, appointed a black crook as Attorney General, killed our economy, killed the housing industry, been a large crooked part of our financial institutions and has given one word a whole new racial meaning. And don't kid yourself when we discuss voting him out of office. I sincerely hope we can but, today I have no real confidence we will have elections in 2012.

You want to know a good way to see what's happening to our wonderful country - the next time you flush your toilet watch as the water churns clockwise and disappears.

Folks prepare, stock up on food and general supplies and the ability to protect yourself for it is truly my belief, UNLESS we see some incredible uniting individual come forth, we as citizens of the United States of America will have to defend ourselves and forcibly take back Our country from this evil malignant cancer called obama and his people.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

One Chance

My fellow Americans as I see it today and I am privileged to some information that other are not but very little so the following is mainly what a blog is about, one's opinion.

Like some others what's happening today and has happened I predicted some of it and as we soberly look at our country today becoming not number 1 but soon to be number 3 or 4 or perhaps lower than that if obama gets his way. I must give that piece of garbage credit for the depth of which he has brought us down in just two short years. We try daily to help people see what's going on and yet I never feel with my limitations I've done enough. So I beg you to contact people and ask why they're putting up with it?

From the go the simple answer was and still is to release the scumbags' records but he won't and to shove that piece of forged crap in our face as a birth certificate and laugh, what does it mean. Frankly, with the above, the Czar appointments, the Super Congress, obamacare, and the overall contempt of Our Constitution I can only reach "1" conclusion and that is come 2012 we're not going to have a free and open election. Unless, there is a legitimate take over of our government and prosecution of those holding offices illegally. This is Our Country's Only Chance. Please listen to the Tea Party and any legitimate Constitutional supporter.

One Nation Under God - May God Bless America as we face the most trying days in our history.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


First off, sorry for being negligent in my blogging, then again not many care but I am going to do better for those few that did like my blogs.

As many or all of you know I have one purpose with America's Web and that is to entertain with some shows but primarily due to the direction our country has taken my goal is to use the station and our shows to help rid America of the malignant cancer called obama. This cancer in two years has spread beyond anyone's imagination and certainly my wildest thoughts.

Frankly, with a very few friends I'm able to say "I told you so". Southern or not obama has been BAD news from the get go. We all thought he was slick when he spoke but we soon were saying what is he saying - change was the only word the idiot knew. As an attorney friend labeled him - he was and still is an empty suit. Now many of us concur he is an empty suit that is a liar in what he does and what he say. Let's get rid of this liar and out of OUR White House and into a Big House - JAIL!

Please let me know what it takes to get his supporters to realize what obama is, forger, liar, communist and more bad things and some I won't get into. Now I don't give a damn what party you're in or how you lean if you believe this liar you're no better than he is "holder" is or anyone else he has appointed. And, if you've taken one of his illegal gov jobs I hope you fry when it comes your time.

Unite and right not the only some what viable thing to unite behind is the Tea Party. I wish there was someone outstanding that could or can carry the moral one nation under God banner that could or can stabilize this country, have the balls to kick the crooks, terrorist and anyone else that are non constitutional believers. And, oh gee if he or she is not PC more power to them.

Now you wish I'd kept quiet, I'm sure "O" will get to me in good time and we'll all along with OUR country go silent.
