Tuesday, August 2, 2011


First off, sorry for being negligent in my blogging, then again not many care but I am going to do better for those few that did like my blogs.

As many or all of you know I have one purpose with America's Web Radio.com and that is to entertain with some shows but primarily due to the direction our country has taken my goal is to use the station and our shows to help rid America of the malignant cancer called obama. This cancer in two years has spread beyond anyone's imagination and certainly my wildest thoughts.

Frankly, with a very few friends I'm able to say "I told you so". Southern or not obama has been BAD news from the get go. We all thought he was slick when he spoke but we soon were saying what is he saying - change was the only word the idiot knew. As an attorney friend labeled him - he was and still is an empty suit. Now many of us concur he is an empty suit that is a liar in what he does and what he say. Let's get rid of this liar and out of OUR White House and into a Big House - JAIL!

Please let me know what it takes to get his supporters to realize what obama is, forger, liar, communist and more bad things and some I won't get into. Now I don't give a damn what party you're in or how you lean if you believe this liar you're no better than he is "holder" is or anyone else he has appointed. And, if you've taken one of his illegal gov jobs I hope you fry when it comes your time.

Unite and right not the only some what viable thing to unite behind is the Tea Party. I wish there was someone outstanding that could or can carry the moral one nation under God banner that could or can stabilize this country, have the balls to kick the crooks, terrorist and anyone else that are non constitutional believers. And, oh gee if he or she is not PC more power to them.

Now you wish I'd kept quiet, I'm sure "O" will get to me in good time and we'll all along with OUR country go silent.


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