Sunday, January 17, 2010

How Important A Vote Is!

We learned in a presidential election 11 years ago how important one vote can be and we're about to see again Tuesday if Scott Brown is elected to the Senate from Massachusetts how important his voting can be in the Senate to stop the O'bama Care travesty that quite likely will wreck our economy and society as we sort of know it today.

Radio Sandy Springs and America's Web Radio are going to be doing everything possible to stop the idiot health care bill and with your help and any donations you might find we'll find away to do it!

The station is putting on at our expense free shows to educate from Our Constitution to Do Facts Matter, new is Ellis Washington well known writer and author, Americans for Limited Government, and many more individuals some better known than others to point out how SICK this Congress and illegal Administration are and the damage they are doing. We must get back to Our Constitution and the laws of the land. We CanNOT be pushed by the criminals in office they are no better than the thugs or gangs on our streets. We must vote them OUT of their plush office and take back what is ours guaranteed in Our Constitution.

Do anything you can to support Scott Brown, Our Troops, and any organization trying to take back Our Country. One Nation Under God and we're going to prove it. O'bama (note spelling) the citizens are coming for you and your illegal gang of thugs and we will be transparent. Rest assured you'll be able to see us!

Tune in to the World Net Daily and Americans for Limited Government tomorrow 8A ET and from then on, on Wednesdays 8A ET telling it like it is!



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