Monday, February 15, 2010

People Are Upset and Showing It!

Never in my years of following politics to some degree have I ever seen what's going on today.
Obviously, and I must say thank God for the net, opinions are being heard like never ever before because there is now a personal forum that everyone can jump on their own blog, website, or email and express their views. Our country has always given the public the right to speak but I've never seen an administration so criticized in such a short period of time. I don't think I've seen ANYTHING positive about the administration in the last 30 to 60 days, only people becoming more upset with OUR government.

America's Web Radio made the decision to add more political type informative programming like Our Constitution with Michael Connelly, Esq. author and featured writer. And, will be adding more informative shows until you have let us know that you feel our country has and is turning around.

From the administration to congress (again no caps, cause I have no respect for the people involved) the Constitution is NOT being followed in fact Our Constitution is being abused by these so called representatives from both parties. I think we the voter, electorate have spoiled and let our representatives "perk" themselves beyond our greatest imagination and now we have let them feel they're above Our Constitution and the Laws of the Land! This idea must be stopped and we can do it beginning this November - get rid of all of them! What do you think?

It is time to act NOW through a group like the Tea Party Movement, your office or even your neighborhood, yes one voice can make a difference and it should be your voice, let it be heard. We need you, our country needs you and our kids need you, be heard!

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