Friday, August 14, 2009

Get Sick Read Health Care Bill

We've all heard of a "crock" well here it is
This is from FOX and it "is what it is" a CROCK and OUR congresspersons wrote this BS that first is so misleading, hard to read, and with so many hidden or "to be interpreted" sentences it makes it unbelievable. How can we keep any of OUR "so called" representatives? They sure don't seem to represent me and I doubt you.

WE the PEOPLE must get representatives that will live under the same laws, rules and policies that they want us to. There is NO one in any public office that would want this "CROCK" of health care plan and have to live with it OR maybe I should say DIE with it. You're not going to see my representative begging to go under this plan but he'll say it's good enough for you, me and our families. I say if a person running for public office, particularly federal, won't sign a pledge to eat off the same plate they want to serve us then WE should NOT support the hypocrite. Do you honestly think Pelosi or Reed would stoup so low as to go under this so called health care plan?

Please ONLY support the candidate that will pledge to live like you and me!

These are the views of Radio Sandy Springs and America's Web Radio we invite you to comment AFTER you've read the bill.

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