Monday, August 3, 2009

A Shame of Response

Well this will probably do it but quite frankly after posting the Devils in the Details last week I would have thought 100s would have said something but, the fact of the matter is only one close friend took that "Blog" and ran with it. He sent it to his entire personal and business email list and I don't know where else.

When our own elected officials are trying every way possible to do us in we should respond and all I have seen is "I'll let the other guy respond". That's what's wrong with today we're all waiting on the other guy to respond. I must admit I believe totally in the "Tea Party" and Fair Tax. I didn't go to the rally in Atlanta because frankly I was too tired. My 15 to 18 hour days 7 days a week just about do me in. But, with what's going on in Washington I will fight daily to try and get people's attention. Yes, I know I'm nothing compared to a Beck or many others but, this is a way to at least relieve some of the frustrations I feel and you that read my blog feel also.

Chevez shuts down 38 radio station because he doesn't like what they say because they oppose him. Could it happen in the US? I think it could at any time and will obviously start with the anti-Obama talk stations, mark my word they'll try.

Again I say, there is only one way to stop the craziness in Washington DC and that's to get rid of them all by voting starting in 2010. If folks running for office won't pledge and sign to live like we do with Social Security, health care, paying taxes and more then THEY should not be OUR elected officials. ONLY vote for and elect representatives that will live like we do!

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