Monday, May 11, 2009

Radio Sandy Springs/America's Web Radio

We have had a number of folks ask why is now also going by and the answer is simple. Radio Sandy Springs was getting so much national exposure and people wanted more of a national name in buying ads and being a part of the station that we decided that a better "brand" would be to be America's Web Radio.

With such personalities as E.D. Hill the former host on Fox & Friends and other nationally known folks in fairness to everyone we wanted a named that more generally gave the national impact that our show have. From inventors and entrepreneurs to artists and poultry experts, medicine to mobility we have shows of interest to fill almost anyone's needs and we are America's Web Radio station. We don't expect many Girl Scouts to listen to the Boy Scout hour but we do have Boy Scouts and their leaders listening and that's what counts.

You can count on America's Web Radio and we'd like to hear from you at either Radio Sandy Springs or America's Web Radio.

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