Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is It Possible Obama a CIA Plant?

I honestly don't know but the above link does answer or at least gives theoretical answers to ongoing questions about who is Obama, where did he come from, what is he hiding, and why is he hiding his college records, birth certificate and more. Also, why is he surrounded by a bunch of CRAP advisers that don't pay their taxes yet control ours, economist that are admitted communist, and certainly folks that have in the past seek the downfall of our country.

Folks daily more and more is written on the net and more questions are being asked and frankly it is of great concern. My concern is of the future, the present and now beginning to really question when did this all start, the wanton destruction of the United States and why. In my opinion it is bull s _ _ _ when someone espouses the idea of all should be equal. All I see is one group of folks and I can't really identify all of them, that want total world power. Hum I wonder what China's leaders think of that? Yet in just a few months we have lost the banking industry, auto industry, and more and about to turn our health care over to big brother. Are we going to stop it? And, how? Glenn Beck, God Bless him, is doing in my opinion a good job but we the individual should be doing a job too. Frankly, knowing just a little bit about things, I'm surprised that FOX has let Beck say as much as they have. So stay tuned it is about the best and only TV coverage that is at least putting names, times and faces together. The link above does the same and chronologically very interesting, please check it out!

Fact: We know Obama is a public liar and mocks us and our intelligence and our ability to see through these lying people lead by Obama. As stated by many now Congress and the Executive Branch have become "one" and rest assured that is NOT good!

We must start formulating every means possible to discover 1) ALL the players 2) a means of legally taking back what is ours, particularly if our right to vote is taken away. You're shaking your head but, don't think it couldn't happen. With that our greatest communicative asset, the net, could also very easily be taken away, plan folks PLAN!


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