Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What's a Person to Do?

Can one person make a difference? Well us'n that sort of keep up with things know good and well that one person can make a difference from the good Samaritan, the one vote, the hero in war, every Medal of Honor Recipient, and the list goes on. Damn straight one person - maybe you - can make the difference.

Cyndy Miller is a good example of making a difference by having a letter published on the web that she sent AARP a year ago pointing out how she and her husband could no longer be members of an organization that supported ObamaCare, rationing of health care, and that would ultimately take from our Medicare that we've paid into. One person express their opinion and that letter has circulated around-the-world and continues on causing people to think about their membership in AARP and other organizations that lie to get our dollars. So, yes one person can make a big difference and we'd like to talk to someone you know that has made or is making a big difference in any occupation or in our daily lives. Please send me david@americaswebradio.com the information on how to contact your person that has or is making a difference. And, don't forget to register to vote, take a buddy and then vote the bums out in November!

Mean while we've got some great programming today with The Immigration Hour, Bella Petite, Detailing Addiction, Do Facts Matter, The Fog and many more of your favorites. Please tune in when you can www.americaswebradio.com and tell a friend about your discovery of a great programmed live and podcast radio station that believes like you do.

Have a good day and,


PS I meant to thank all you crazy folks that either think my post are funny or just have pity on me, read the blogs and drop me an email. Thanks for your continued interest!

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