Friday, December 18, 2009
Obama's Brain Damaged by Climate Change
HELLO, Mr. President have you been affected by the cold weather and missed the news that there is NO global warming and that, OH NO, the climate changes - that's called NATURE you well educated so YOU say person.
In my opinion Obama with these kind of statements, is trying to finish off bankrupting the US at a tune of 100 billion per year it is time to have this guy's head checked.
Mr. Obama, you illegal prez, pull your head out and listen to the American Citizen that you have NO respect for!
1. We didn't and don't like your crappy stimulus plan
2. We don't like yours or the congressional health care plan
3. We don't like your TARP
4. We don't like you apologizing for anything
5. We don't like the fact that you can't find your heart with your right hand when people of honor pass by
5. We don't like your Climate Change Plan
6. In the latest polls WE DON'T LIKE YOU, you arrogant incompetent person posing as a leader. A leader of what? Certainly not OUR country of One Nation Under God, remember?
7. We don't like the communist you've surrounded yourself with and we don't like the fact you haven't read and don't respect OUR Constitution, which if not careful you may be forced to read some day.
Folks between the apologies, health care, bailouts, and now this climate change crap we're being sold down the river and it is time to stand up and be heard, NOW!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Who Do We Blame?
Many of us are hurting like never before and continually suffer anxiety attacks from almost out of nowhere and at the most unexpected times. Today we are the most frustrated society I've ever seen with things (for lack of a better word) happening so fast no one can really keep up. Government is making more and more of us sick and asking the question daily if not hourly, "What can I do, I'm only one person that is scared to death for my children and grandchildren". Glenn Beck does a great job of pointing out the problems but it seems our only hope is based on 2010 elections and 2012 if we get there.
So, again what can I do? Well I've decided, and I need your help, that America's Web Radio and Radio Sandy Springs can do something and that's to help keep the pot stirred. I'm going to be introducing new shows that like Beck point out the problems and also help give solutions, most of which mean being heard by our representatives, which are not listening, but more importantly by our neighbors. My desire is to turn on the heat and keep raising the heat until 2012 and we have turned OUR country back into One Nation Under God and we are represented from coast-to-coast by individuals that will represent us as written in OUR Constitution. Will you help me please?
We need you to contact your neighbors and talk to them about what they want to hear and need to know. We need your suggestions as to programming topics. We even need contributions IF you like what we're doing. The program "Our Constitution", Good Morning with E.D. Hill, Do Facts Matter, Health Care the Good, the Bad, and . . ., and other shows are telling it like it is and we're gaining national attention but it takes time and money to put these shows on and thanks to our economy businesses are hurting and so it is tough. If you can help thanks, if you can't please pass on what we're doing.
There is a way of making a difference and we can do it with your help. Don't just listen please be a part of America's Web Radio.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Our Constitution is being Ignored!
Then the cold war and preparing even in schools for the big bomb, I'm beginning to believe the "Big Bomb" went off last November when Obama was elected. Illegally in my opinion but many don't seem to think so. Carrying on, then Viet Nam and in high school I asked why is it fair to send an eighteen year old into harms way but he or she can't vote? But, would we have made good voters even then? Probably not but still an important question, even today.
The Berlin Wall falls we become very complacent and then the World Trade Towers fall and yet many signs warned that it, another war was coming. Just as unprepared as we were to fight in jungles, that is totally how unprepared we have been for more than a decade to fight a war against terrorist. How can this administration not call this a war? Hello, we wear uniforms even if the bad guys don't.
Well this brings me to the most out of control administration I can ever remember. We have a new term called "PC" politically correct. Well to both I've got a Texas term called BS, do you need me to define. We should do everything in our power to get rid of the current Congress in 2010 House and 1/3 of Senate and definitely get rid of every idiot in the administration in 2012. I can't say anyone in this administration is worth spitting on. If you can let me know.
And, now we're or our military is about or is conducting a Court Martial of three brave Navy Seals that were performing their duty in CAPTURING a terrorist and oh my God the terrorist got a bloody lip and complained. Next time I suggest the Seals or anyone else kill the terrorist SOBs and forget it!
As I read of the potential "dry run" by potential terrorist here in Atlanta Hartsfield Airport (by the way I know the name of the airport I just won't lower myself to acknowledge someone that is not worth it, but then again people get a peace prize for nothing too). OK do you know about the November 17 incident? I'm sorry but I'm becoming radical and sick and tired of hearing about the rights of people that want to kill me and my family and my friends too. You want "Politically Correct" I'll give it to you in a word PROFILE you idiots and start to day! Then check out every Muslim in OUR country and if they don't like it here kick 'em out. Or, like those bastard students being held in Pakistan that want Jihad let's give it to them. As U.S. citizens in Newt's and my opinion they have committed treason and best I recall we shoot them.
I want a NEW definition of Politically Correct - standing up for our Constitution, living by it and those that don't including Obama, Pelosi, Reid, the Czars and all the rest, try 'em and apply the consequences. That's "Politically Correct" not this crap they (the liberals) are trying to feed us today.
Am I upset you damn right and if you want to keep our way of life from yesterday then you'd better be upset too. And, we have to start looking at what DRASTIC actions we must take.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Is Socialized Medicine What You Want?
With programming that ask questions about every thing the government wants to control which is ultimately you and me. We've got to stop them in 2010 and NEVER let them get another grip like they have on us today. How can these supposed representatives pass such a heavy debt burden on us and our children. Every representative that voted for this bill is a self-serving, idiot that does not listen to the people and must be voted out of office. If you're reading this and your representative voted to take 500 billion away from the elderly I hope you'll call your representatives office and let he or she know exactly what's going to happen to them in 2010 at the polls. Any representative that voted for this stupid piece of legislation should be verbally taken to task and voted out of office immediately for acts of terror against us the citizens. Did these representatives not see or hear the voices of the public saying "Kill this Bill"? We must start our fight today and I'm going to. Tell your friends, family and anyone else that will listen to tune in to Radio Sandy Springs, America's Web and hear the truth. This bill is a killer for you, your parents and generations to come. IF NOTHING ELSE, the United States can not afford it! No where in the U.S. Constitution does it say that the federal government must provide us health care. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER AND GET RID, VOTE OUT THIS CONGRESS!!! Check each member out and if we can bring them up on criminal charges prior to the 2010 vote do it!
Friday, October 30, 2009
What Is In The Swine H1N1 Flu Vaccine: A Primer
1. Novartis makes an injectable vaccine for ages 4 and above
Ingredients: Thimerosal (Mercury) both in the single dose and the multi dose vials
Antibiotics - polymyxin and neomycin (can be neurotoxic)
Note: They recommend that children ages 4-9 get 2 injections one month apart. This would increase the risk from a reaction to the mercury (e.g, neurological damage such as Gullain-Barre or possibly Autism)
2. CSL makes an injectable vaccine. Only the multi dose vial contains thimerosal
3. Sanofi/Pasteur - Only the multi dose vial contains thimerosal
vaccine is made with polyethelene glycol (antifreeze) and formaldehyde (a chemical used in embalming).
*These three vaccines are grown in chicken embryo cells. So if a person has severe allergies to eggs, they are at risk of having an allergic reaction and should therefore not take the vaccine.
4. MedImmune makes a live attenuated H1N1 vaccine that has an intranasal delivery.
It does not contain thimerosal, but has the food additive MSG (monosodium glutamate) which can cause reactions in some people who are sensitive, it also contains gentamycin (an antibiotic which can be neurotoxic and cause hearing loss)
As per the package inserts from all of the manufacturers:
Note: "Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
Neither FLUVIRIN nor the Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine have been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility."
*In other words, NONE of the H1NI vaccines have been evaluated for the possible potential to cause cancer, birth defects or its effect on fertility. This is according to the information from all of the manufacturers.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Michael Vick Win Humane Society Award from PETA
What has he done? In my opinion NOTHING!!
If you disagree then show me some great world peace achievement this guy, that shouldn't even be president, has accomplished.
This has the be the 2009 JOKE of the Year! What a FARCE, if I ever had any respect for the Nobel Peace Prize it is totally gone now. Then again they liked Carter, another joke!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Non-Invasive Pain Relief That Works
On our homepage click Pain Relief and find out all about the chip that relieves pain, helps you sleep and a chip for energy. These chips are being used by the NFL, MLB and NBA plus a number of colleges and even high school athletic departments. Non transdermal, non-invasive, no chemical just natural homeopathic technology that works. And, can safely be used on babies and even animals.
You're not going to believe it but they work and we have many testimonials to the results of wearing the CieAura chip short and long term.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Very Simple
Questions You Should Ask Before You Get The Swine Flu Vaccine
Questions You Should Ask Before You Get The Swine Flu Vaccine
Elaina George, MD
With the H1N1 swine flu virus vaccine becoming available this month, there is a big push to vaccinate as many people as possible. However, whether
or not you decide to take the vaccine, there are important questions you should ask your doctor or other health practioner to make sure it is the right choice for you and your family.
1. Does the Vaccine contain additives such as mercury or squaline?
Additives called adjuvants like mercury (thiamerisol) are added to inhibit bacterial contamination. However, some studies have
implicated mercury as a cause of autism and squaline as a cause of neuological damage respectively.
2. How can I avoid getting a vaccine that contains mercury?
Ask to receive your vaccine from a single dose vial. Unlike the multiple dose vials which contain thiamerisol, the single dose
vials do not contain that additive.
3. Will getting the vaccine completely protect me from getting the swine flu?
The vaccine comes in two forms - a nasal form and an injectable form. The nasal form contains live virus that has been altered
(attenuated) to be less infectious. The injectable form is made from a killed form of the virus. Because there is an increased risk of actual infection,
the attenuated virus should not be given to individuals with compromised immune systems such as pregnant women, HIV patients,
those on chemotherapy or children.
4. Is the swine flu more dangerous than the seasonal flu?
Since the outbreak of the flu this past spring, over 74 countries have documented cases of the H1N1 virus. There have been approximately 345,000
cases world wide with 4,100 deaths. Conversely, there are approximately 40,000 deaths due to the seasonal flu each year in the US. Statistics continue to
suggest that the H1N1 virus is not as deadly as has been purported. To date it has been a relatively mild and self-limited infection in
both adults ans children.
5. What are the risks and benefits of taking the vaccine?
The mortality rate is largely associated with pneumonia caused by secondary bacterial infections. In fact secondary bacterial pneumonia was the main
cause of death in the influenza pandemic of 1918. It is important to weigh the risks associated with the potential side effects of the vaccine vs the vaccine's
inability to protect from the more deadly complication of bacterial pneumonia.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Fiddo v. You
Now does this sound stupid? Well the latest Czar wants to give your pet the right to sue. I've had it. And, now we're giving aid, child support to Libya? That like giving a g;ass of water to a full lake. They don't need our money they just want to show the world how stupid this government is, and they're doing a fine job of it. But, not as good a job as Obama is doing in showing how stupid our government has come particularly under his eight months.
After quickly viewing the indoctrination of children with the Obama songs in some, I believe, NJ school I went to bed thinking about this blog.
What are we or have we come to? Czars, Obama giving-a-way our limited power, three or four terrorist plots broken this week, and the education AH Czar Cass Sustein and I'm not sure I'm spelling his name right and don't care. Now he's the latest idiot, this idiot is not even in left field he's not even in the same state as the ballpark. If you haven't read some of his garbage ideas then you should. Then again ask yourself, is one the reflection of the company one keeps. Then immediately go to the bathroom and get sick.
Again I ask, what has this country come to in either such a short or maybe long period, either way I don't like what I'm seeing.
Lastly, if the "Law" and many agencies were involved have found four cities that were targets how many more can they find with their "hands tied behind their backs"?
We must keep talking and election time taking aggressive action! And, I didn't even mention ACORN and they are/were certainly a group Obama hung with! Have we figured it out yet?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Whatever Means Necessary
"-- Investigators are hunting about a dozen people in connection with a plot to detonate bombs in U.S., source tells CNN."
Folks we can call it whatever you want. Our cowardly administration doesn't want to call them "terrorist" but frankly I can't think of a better name. And, as we all know, or at least the folks reading this know, we are at war. And, if we don't use and exert every means necessary to get information to protect ourselves the "terrorist" will win.
After the latest in the administrations give a ways to Russia and the other acts of cowardliness do you really think our enemies are not watching? Do you think we just got lucky on the above? Do you think this is the only group out there or in our country that want to do your family, you, your friends harm. Get serious, I'm for using every means necessary to get and keep the intelligence flowing into to our FBI, CIA and other agencies charged with protect us from our enemies. If our Muslim president wants to give-a-way our rights of protection then why doesn't he take his family and buddies like Holder and move to Iran?
Our "means necessary" are to contact everyone you know and start hitting our supposed representatives and let them know how you feel before the first explosion in quite possibly in your neighborhood or rail. These folks aren't kidding and we the people must do something. Our coward of a president won't stop his own Attorney General when seven bi-partisan former CIA directors ask him to. This arrogant administration must be stopped and our law enforcement agencies must be given the tools and authority to gather intelligence by Whatever Means Necessary. I don't want us to wake up after my wife or one of my children have been killed by our terrorist enemies because some cowardly, arrogant individual wanted to prove something. These people only understand one thing POWER, weak negotiation gets no where. Just look at the worst President EVER Carter. Look out America here it comes and the ONLY way we'll be ready is to use Whatever Means Necessary!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Open Season on Environmentalist
Last night I stayed up and watched Hannity and I'm appalled at what I watched and for that reason declaring OPEN Season on these stupid tree hugging environmentalist by calling, emailing, writing, talking to your Congress Person and friends. These idiots are "protecting" a minnow and about to reek total havoc on all of us. As stated their "saving the minnow" is affecting 38 million people. And, it is or is going to affect you directly!!!! Food prices will continue to go up, how do you like that?
With all the other crap going on tempers are close to the boiling point and we going to have tragedy striking from coast to coast. When groups and generally small ones can put 1000s and 1000s out of work on farms by shutting off the farmer's water supply it is in every way crazy. Environmentalist that can't see what they're doing best be heading for cover. Please go back and read this story it is about your family, you, and turning fertile soil into the dust bowl all for one stupid little minnow, that I don't give a damn whether we save or not. THIS IS STUPID, please figure out a way we can get water to and help these farmers!!!
I'm sorry I'm getting so upset about this, the government in general, the sucking b _ _ _ _ _ _ _, at ACORN and our STUPID representatives that have let everyone get away with everything, that I have to stop this blog before I get sick!!!
Please either pass this on, write your less than good Congress person, or just go out in your front yard and scream!
Friday, September 11, 2009
And The Winner is…. The Medical Insurance Industry
By: Dr. Elaina F. George
To be fair there are some good things. Under the President’s proposal there will be:
§ Coverage for pre-existing conditions
§ A cap on out-of-pocket expenses
§ People can no longer be dropped from insurance companies when they get sick
§ No further cap on what insurance companies will pay out
It is a good start, but it doesn’t go far enough. The President spoke about slowing the growth of healthcare expense, but he did not discuss a reversal of the cost of health care. With the average medical insurance premium for an individual costing over 6,000 dollars and a family almost 12,000 per year, how does this help a middle or working class family both struggling to stay in their home and feed their family? Will it really help them to have mandates to purchase insurance at this price or face a penalty?
For those who cannot afford to pay for insurance and don’t qualify for government assistance this will amount to a new “tax” that can disproportionately affect the working class and poor who are already affected by barriers that obstruct their access to care. Currently of the 47 million people who are uninsured, 17 million of them are people who meet the financial criteria to receive Medicaid or Medicare. They are waiting to get into these programs, but because of state budget constraints or the wait associated with a shortage of physicians who actually still take these insurances, they are effectively out in the cold. I don’t see how the President’s proposal will ease this crisis.
As it stands, his proposal will ensure that insurance companies get millions more customers who have nowhere to go. Even those people who enter the ‘exchanges’ will also have to buy private insurance since the weakened version of the public-lite alternative will not come online until 4 years from now. Essentially, he is asking us to trust the insurance companies to play nice. The theory appears to be that by gaining more money in volume; perhaps they will charge people less? In a for-profit industry I am skeptical that this will work since it has not worked to this point. The insurance companies have had free reign and they have rigged the system to maximize profits on the backs of patients and physicians. Like Wall Street, they have now been rewarded for their bad behavior.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Is Voting Our Only Weapon?
Besides emails and the like I've been doing a lot of thinking and we all realize we're up against the most perverted, narcissistic, smooth, crafty, lying and sick socialist to ever be in OUR White House. He and his sick followers and advisers want to destroy us, and OUR country and they're doing a pretty good job of it rapidly from the economy to heath care and even trying to recruit our children, this must be stopped. With this all said I have concluded and it's really not brilliant that the ONLY thing we can do is exactly what I'm doing but, we must not just talk between like minded we must recruit from the left, the ones on the fence and those to lazy to care.
We must not just keep stirring the pot, we must keep the pot boiling for 14 months. We must go after every thing and supporting everyone and every institution that sees and is willing to point out what a travesty of government we have at this writing. Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your co-workers and even if they're totally on the other side plant the seed of "questioning". We must keep asking questions like do you want your grand kids to be paying for the mistakes we made in 2008, 2009, 2010? Why do we need a government run health care plan for 15% of our population? Have you really listened to someone from Canada explain their health care plan, and oh ask a Canadian how he or she enjoys paying 50% in taxes? Keep asking the moderate liberals questions. Liberals seem to "know it all" so ask the question and be sure they give a REAL answer not just a dodge.
Keep the pot "Boiling" with blogs, emails, questions to media, questions, questions, questions until 2010, then vote the liberal garbage out of office. Oh, please take Pelosi, Rengal and the rest all in one day! VOTE
By the way enough heat got rid of at least one CZAR (Van Jones) let's go after the rest!
Friday, September 4, 2009
What's It Coming To Obama?
Thank God I no longer have children in public school as Obama is now trying to use them in his agenda to control all minds. Between Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Boxer and the rest of the extreme liberals we have a real problem and I hope you recognize it as do so many others now.
I was asked the other day would I prefer a corrupt business like an Enron or have government control and the answer was clear. I'll take a corrupt few individuals in a capitalistic society over government control any day. At least if we find a business corrupt we have, at least today, a means of laws to go after them. But, if it is government corruption and we've seen that too, where do we turn? Absolutely NO options or recourse with a government controlled entity, I wonder how good your GM warranty is going to be? Is it the GMObama warranty, he lies about everything else why not your auto warranty?
Taxes - if you're a democrat and chair of the House Ways and Means Committee you don't have to pay taxes until caught and then no penalties, makes me want to run for Congress. Or, if you say white folk are blowing bad smoke at blacks and declare yourself a communist like Van Jones then you get the right to blow in Obama's ear. YUK!
Heard the term "Hell in a hat basket" does it fit anything today? Means we have to really make a change, clean HOUSE/Senate and get responsible representation, not what we have. Again I say, ask your representative to sign a pledge to live under same rules, laws and policies they want us to live under; health care and Social Security for starters!
New shows on and like the Sheep and Goat Radio Show with Ray Bowman, new health show, new petite women's show, new business show and more for your listening pleasure, now there's an old line.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It's Your Health!
6 Ways Your Health Insurance Company Makes It Hard For Your Doctor To Take Care Of You
By: Dr. Elaina George
There is a major misconception about the reasons for the rise in the cost of healthcare. Procedures and the practice of defensive medicine have been described as the main reasons for the exponential rise. However, the reality could not be farther from what is portrayed on TV series like Nip/Tuck. The medical insurance industry has fueled the campaign of misinformation to enhance their divide and conquer strategy. As long as people spend their energy on blaming doctors, they have less energy to pay attention to rising deductibles, premiums and co-insurance. In short, the insurance companies benefit by keeping doctors and patients at odds. In reality when a doctor charges for a procedure or performs a surgery what is paid is no where near the amount that was charged. In short, the increase in patient premiums, deductibles etc… have gone to pay administrative costs and CEO salaries.
These are 6 things you need to know so you can understand the barriers your doctor has to navigate to take good care of you:
- Insurance companies change what they will pay for
Through the pre-certification process, insurance companies will change what services they will reimburse. This list can change yearly. It is driven by insurance company costs and not by medical necessity as determined by the doctor and the patient.
- Insurance companies have gatekeepers that look for reasons to deny recommended services
Insurance companies have physicians and/or nurses on staff that can deny services. The person that reviews the procedure may not even be someone familiar with the medical procedure (for example, a psychiatrist reviewing the records of a surgeon).
- Insurance gatekeepers get bonus compensation when they save the company money
This is pretty self explanatory – it pays to deny care.
- Insurance companies discount payments for surgery and other procedures.
This is a process called bundling. If the procedure has a left and right side like knee surgery or has several steps. like sinus surgery, the surgeon will be paid a steeply discounted rate that can be as high as an 80% discount. For example, a surgeon will be paid the discounted insurance allowed amount for the 1st side and 50% for the second side. If it is a multi-step procedure, the surgeon will be paid the allowed amount for the 1st step, 50% for the second step and 25% for 3-5th step then nothing for anything beyond the 5th step.
5. Insurance companies make a bigger profit by delaying payment to doctors
A study showed that an insurance company can make as much as $84,000 in bank interest rates each day they pay
a claim late. By law an average clean claim (with no errors) should be paid from 14-30 days after it is submitted
by a doctor’s office. The average claim is paid anywhere from 30-45 days. Some claims, after multiple appeals,
can take up to a year to be paid after the service was given.
6. Insurance companies can ask the doctor for reimbursement of paid claims indefinitely.
A doctor has 120 days to submit a claim, after that time he/she may not submit a charge or charge the patient. However, an insurance company can ask for reimbursement with no time limit.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Rolling, Rolling, Rolling . . .
Jimmy Carter was no winner, and folks expressed their opinions but the two parties did not come together against a common cause like they're doing now. Oh, you have the "yellow dog demos" that are standing by their man but what I'm seeing and hearing is Americans coming together and there is no party, they don't like any elected official on either side of the fence.
Just let me remind you what this is all about, the country elected a person and organization that thinks they can handle your affairs better than you. So, quite possibly an unqualified person resides in your White House, making up rules (czars) and getting bills passed that finally got your attention when the Stimulus (TAX) hit you in one place that it counts your wallet and if that wasn't enough then he hits you with a stupid health plan that will increase taxes and give you poor service and this is to take care of 15% of the population of which a large portion don't want or don't deserve your dollars for their care!!!
I support and I hope it is we support the DC Tea Party and on today is Coach Dave Daubenmire from Ohio that is in the news just trying to get his US Representative to have a Town Hall Meeting and the cowardly Rep Zack Space won't do it. I wonder if this Space cadet will do as we ask and take the health care plan and Social Security? My suggestion is to vote Space right out of office as soon as possible. Let Zack Space go talk to himself!
Listen to and for the best in information and chat radio.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Johnny Cash - I Hear the Train a Coming
Personally I don't care what belief or practice a person has, but he or she(Reid,Pelosi, Boxer or Feinstein) are not going to force their unpatriotic views on me. They can take their Chicago Slim Ball leader and move to another country and practice whatever beliefs they want but we can't let them destroy OUR country and the second greatest document ever written OUR Constitution.
Some people would have us believe that the Constitution is a "living" document. No it is NOT, I've never seen it take a breath, wink or use the bathroom. It is a corner stone written in ink that spells out how OUR country should operate and if we want to change it how WE can change it. Obama OUR country and OUR Constitution are NOT yours to change, did you hear me? ONLY the people, as in "We the People. . . ." do you hear us? Do you hear the "train a coming"?
I have yet to find:
Where OUR US representatives and senators are given privileges like their own health care, their own retirement plan. Therefore, we should MAKE OUR representatives live under the same rules and laws they want us to, NO exceptions! If they don't want to do this then vote them OUT and let them know it is coming!
Where in OUR Constitution does it say a narcissistic anti-American politician wanting to take over the world by freely giving out classified information to OUR country's enemies can appoint and establish Czars?
I can't find a place in OUR Constitution that says the same person referenced above has the right or power to establish a National Security Force already funded by 500 billion of your dollars.
This is SICK or you going to continue to let this happen? We need to as voters get each of OUR representatives by the neck and whisper in their individual ears that their free ride in OUR capital is over if they, as my dad use to say, "don't straighten up and fly right." OUR representatives must hear loud and clear the train coming 'round the bend and loaded with tax paying voters is going to take back OUR country vocally and by voting weak, uncaring, scum out of office.
Am I upset, no question about it and so are many other folks across the nation and we're about to do something about it in the voting booths across the nation in 2010 and OUR train is going to really be rolling in 2012. We'll make it through, then it is my vision of trying the scum and the entire administration for treason. Why? Because they have put you, your family, friends and my family and me in perilous danger by their actions of give classified information to OUR county's enemies or maybe I should say their brothers. By the way it does define in OUR Constitution what treason is and how it should be dealt with!
God Bless OUR country and our wonderful citizens, as we start the TRAIN a Rolling to take back OUR country.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Michael Jackson Didn't Stand a Chance
‘Michael Jackson did not have a chance’ was my first thought when I read the report that just came out about what caused his untimely and tragic death. I was unprepared for the absolute disregard for the first tenant of the doctors’ Hippocratic Oath – First do no harm.
There was no way that harm would not have come to Mr. Jackson. It was beyond negligent to give him a mixture of three different kinds of sedatives, a muscle relaxant, an antidepressant in addition to Propofol, a general anesthetic that is only used in an operating room setting (because it can stop someone’s breathing). Each of these drugs by themselves can be lethal, but together it is a recipe that will almost definitely kill someone. I can think of no medical scenario that would justify mixing these kinds of drugs. Hopefully, Mr. Jackson’s death will teach us that prescription drugs, though helpful are no substitute for doctors doing everything in their power to protect the health of their patients, including just saying no when it is appropriate.
Anna Nicole and Heath Ledger are two celebrities that died from drug interactions. The death of Michael Jackson and his relationship with Dr. Murray is the most recent example that highlights the danger of the ‘doctor on retainer’. This relationship is based on a contract that makes the doctor an employee, in essence changing a relationship that should be equal, to one where the patient can dictate the course of treatment. This shift in power can potentially blur the lines that must be maintained for a healthy doctor/patient relationship. It then can place a physician in a position where he/she may be prescribing medication in a way that is not clinically appropriate because the patient demands it. This needs to be examined and changed.
As a society we need to take a look at the culture of prescription medication as the cure all. There is a perception that we can treat anything by taking a pill. This concept has been fostered by the pharmaceutical industry and their constant advertising. There are pills to make you happy, perform better sexually, help your memory, make you feel younger etc… In reality all of these medications have one thing in common; they simply manage the symptoms instead of healing the problem. Perhaps the best thing that can come out of the tragedy of Michael Jackson’s death is the examination of our culture of disease. Maybe it will change the paradigm to prevention and to healing disease instead of managing it with an endless list of prescription medications.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Gutting the CIA
Ridiculous, crazy and those were the mild words and thoughts of the audacity of the Attorney General Holden (the socialist) to form a new "group" to interrogate terrorist in detention. BS the administration might as well send our men and women in the CIA out with pistol with no bullets. How STUPID is this and how long can we let these kind of actions go on? This administration has telegraphed all enemies of OUR country that if you're a terrorist or terrorist country YOU NOW HAVE A FRIEND IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Folks we must start right this minute to STAY in touch with our representatives and make sure they understand that it is OUR country and we want it protected at ALL cost and if it means scaring the hell out of captured terrorist then do it. And, let the folks that KNOW how to do it, do their jobs. Does anyone with a partial brain, including our socialist leaning administration, think that these "Sweetheart terrorist" would think twice about real torture, say like cutting off your head in front of cameras? Come on folks we must stand up, get real, and get rid of this administration and the "Freedom Give Away Party-Obama, Reid & Pelosi" that in just eight short months has us in a deficit position of NINE TRILLION dollars and now laughed at throughout the world.
God Bless the folks that are going to the D.C. Tea Party in a couple of weeks. We will have a reporter at the Tea Party giving us live updates on and
Please copy and pass on, we must save our country from the radical left. The things that we know about are crazy and scare me. How crazy and dangerous are the things the administration "CZARS" are doing that we don't know about?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
New Show Starting 9/4 Sheep and Goats will love it!
Remember America's Web Radio has E.D. Hill former co-host of Fox and Friends on every Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM EDT tune in it is a fun show. Twitter E.D. Hill @hillfriends or #AWRLIVE during the show.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Master Gardener Hour Teams with Jason's Deli
The Master Gardener Hour is heard every Saturday at 11AM EDT and features the best in gardenting tips from experts across the country. Tune in, tell your gardening friends and remember all the other great shows on like Good Morning with E.D. Hill, the America's Home Grown Veggie Show, For Your Eyes, Infectious Disease Hour, Medicine on Call, Bold Venture, Gross Reality and so many more just for YOU!
Get Sick Read Health Care Bill
This is from FOX and it "is what it is" a CROCK and OUR congresspersons wrote this BS that first is so misleading, hard to read, and with so many hidden or "to be interpreted" sentences it makes it unbelievable. How can we keep any of OUR "so called" representatives? They sure don't seem to represent me and I doubt you.
WE the PEOPLE must get representatives that will live under the same laws, rules and policies that they want us to. There is NO one in any public office that would want this "CROCK" of health care plan and have to live with it OR maybe I should say DIE with it. You're not going to see my representative begging to go under this plan but he'll say it's good enough for you, me and our families. I say if a person running for public office, particularly federal, won't sign a pledge to eat off the same plate they want to serve us then WE should NOT support the hypocrite. Do you honestly think Pelosi or Reed would stoup so low as to go under this so called health care plan?
Please ONLY support the candidate that will pledge to live like you and me!
These are the views of Radio Sandy Springs and America's Web Radio we invite you to comment AFTER you've read the bill.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Health Care - More to Talk About
The health care debate has morphed into open season on doctors
By Dr. Elaina George, M.D.
When I read that the president had met with CEOs and other top representatives of the largest health insurance companies, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies before healthcare reform was crafted by Congress, I had my doubts about the direction of health care reform confirmed.
I already had reservations about whether we would get true reform when the very members of Congress who were tasked to lead the crafting of the bill had received hundreds of thousand of dollars from the very entities that were the major cause of the problem - the health insurance industry, big PhRMA, and for profit hospitals.
No wonder we have been seeing commercials sponsored by big PhRMA in support of the current health reform bill. It appears it is quid pro quo for the administration's deal to cap their concessions at 80 billion dollars over 10 years. NY Times Article
If I were a drug company executive or stockholder, I would be happy to support a bill that keeps the government from importing cheaper medication from
The health insurance companies who also support the healthcare reforms proposed by the President also stand to gain. Although they did not promise to make any concessions, they benefit by receiving more people to pay premiums since there is a mandate that everyone carry insurance (public or private) or face monetary sanctions. Market forces will draw people who are sicker and don't have the economic means to the public option leaving private insurance companies with members who are younger, healthier and have the ability to pay the premiums.
The argument that the public option will drive down costs is disingenuous - how can a program designed to cover about 10 million people (as per the Congressional Budget Office) really exert any pressure on the health insurance industry when a company like Blue Cross and Blue Shield has over 30 million members and United Healthcare is even larger? Even the President's health adviser Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel admits that although small insurance companies would likely go out of business, those private insurance companies left standing would support a reform plan that would bring "45 million new paying customers to the industry".
Hospitals have been given a pass. There has been no discussion on cutting the costs associated with hospital care. I have performed surgeries that where the hospital was paid 20-30 times what I have been paid. Is that fair? The hospital makes a profit on every item charged (e.g., per aspirin given, per IV placed or per box of tissue). It is this practice that has led to the astronomical costs and the prevalence of health care related bankruptcies. Initially there was talk of changing payments to a system where the payments could be bundled, but that has disappeared.
The physicians and other healthcare providers on the front line who actually deliver care have been demonized as the cause of health care costs run amuck. That is simply not true. The fact is no physician can just order test after test. Each time a test is ordered or a surgery is recommended, there has to be a medical indication for it. Furthermore, the test or surgery requested must be pre-certified by the insurance company after patient records are submitted. There are medical indications and standards of care put in place by a medical or surgical board for whether a test or surgery should be performed. This is in addition to the pre-certification process of the insurance company. The reality is insurance companies have routinely superseded this and have denied care that is medically indicated to save money and boost their profits.
My question still remains unanswered. How can a reform bill that clearly serves the interests of the health insurance companies, big PhRMA and for profit hospitals possibly be a good thing for patients or doctors?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
E. D. Hill former co-host of Fox and Friends
Please let your friends know where E.D. Hill is!
Radio Sandy Springs Programming
Today we started with E.D. Hill re-play but she's so good who cares. Then we have Dr. Elaina George and Medicine on Call, followed by Chris Ballard Century 21 Click It all about real estate in Georgia, the David Rosengarten the internationally known food critic hosting Taste Buds, Margot Swan and Divorce Resource, Women's Spririt, Education Forum, the Steve Gross and Gross Reality all about the current economy, then Jean Creech and Bold Ventures with her guest discussing being an entrepreneur, followed by Dr. Scot Bay and Psychiatry Today and then Dan and Instant Replay all about sports. Now is that a great line up or what?
The only thing America's Web Radio is missing in programming is an Indian Chief and we're working on that with many new shows coming soon that are all of interest to you. Keep checking and listening to the best in Chat Radio - and
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Saturdays on America's Web Radio and Radio Sandy Springs starts with the Classic Car Show, followed by Backyard Poultry, America's Home Grown Veggies, and the Master Gardeners Hour all great, informative and fun shows. So, tune in to or and tell everyone you know to do the same!
The few minutes I got out of the box and watched the box confirmed again how we live in troubled times. What did the administration give up to get the two reporters(?) out of North Korea? Speaking of that, where is all the transparency promised during the campaign. It seems to me and I have very limited knowledge but there is more covering up and lying going on today by the administration and Congress than ever before, by ALL parties.
Lastly, and I will for lack of better words BEG you to start preaching the idea that we should not vote for ANYONE that does not pledge in writing during the coming campaigns to represent us and live under the same rules we do i.e. Social Security, Health Care, and taxes!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Health Care Heating Up
Medicine on Call with Dr. Elaina George has Jason Rosenbaum, Editor of the Seminal and contributor to the Huffington Post as her guest today. Tune in to Dr. George as frankly many direct question will be presented for discussion and issues concerning the potential Universal Health Care Program will be addressed like funding.
twitter Dr. George @medicineoncall and always listen to her show at 9 AM EST only on and your chat radio station. Email questions welcomed at or
Please pass this on to all the folks you know.
America's Web Radio
Monday, August 3, 2009
A Shame of Response
When our own elected officials are trying every way possible to do us in we should respond and all I have seen is "I'll let the other guy respond". That's what's wrong with today we're all waiting on the other guy to respond. I must admit I believe totally in the "Tea Party" and Fair Tax. I didn't go to the rally in Atlanta because frankly I was too tired. My 15 to 18 hour days 7 days a week just about do me in. But, with what's going on in Washington I will fight daily to try and get people's attention. Yes, I know I'm nothing compared to a Beck or many others but, this is a way to at least relieve some of the frustrations I feel and you that read my blog feel also.
Chevez shuts down 38 radio station because he doesn't like what they say because they oppose him. Could it happen in the US? I think it could at any time and will obviously start with the anti-Obama talk stations, mark my word they'll try.
Again I say, there is only one way to stop the craziness in Washington DC and that's to get rid of them all by voting starting in 2010. If folks running for office won't pledge and sign to live like we do with Social Security, health care, paying taxes and more then THEY should not be OUR elected officials. ONLY vote for and elect representatives that will live like we do!
38 Radio Stations Closed by Government
This was sent to us by an avid America' Web Radio and Radio Sandy Springs listener and great patriot, and we felt it important to pass on.
This country is in dire straits and all it’s citizens (liberal and conservative) in jeopardy of losing may if not most ALL Freedoms…..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Devil in Details of Health Care House Plan
People are starting to read the health care bill being considered by the House. As they say, the devil is in the details. Here are some that have been noted. Since several of you receiving this email are senior citizens, 20I puts into bold, the provisions that especially apply to you. Incredibly, AARP is supporting this. (That is less surprising when you use the internet to see the numerous ties that the AARP has with ACORN.)
Please call or email your representatives to oppose this nightmare. Here's a link that you can use to find them:
Also, forward this to others on your email list.
Note that this list only extends to page 498, and the bill is over 1000 pages.
Pg 22 of the Health Care Bill mandates that the Govt. will audit the books of all employers that self insure
Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill - Establishes a Govt. committee that decides what treatments/benefits you get
Pg 29 lines 4-16 - Rationing of health care
Pg 42 - The Health Choices Commissioner will choose your benefits for you. You have no choice
PG 50 Section 152 - Health Care will be provided to all non US citizens, illegal or otherwise
Pg 58 - Govt. will have real-time access to individuals' finances & a National ID Health card will be issued
Pg 59 lines 21-24 - Govt. will have direct access to your bank accounts for elective funds transfer
PG 65 Sec 164 - This is a payoff subsidized plan for retirees and their families in community orgs (ACORN).
Pg 72 Lines 8-14 - Govt. is creating an Health Care Exchange to bring private plans under Govt. control.
PG 84 Sec 203 - Govt. mandates all benefit pkgs. for private plans be in the Govt. health care exchange
PG=2 085 Line 7 - Specifics for Benefit Levels for Plans = The Govt. will ration your Healthcare
PG 91 Lines 4-7 - Govt. mandates "linguistic appropriate services." Translation: for non-English, including illegal aliens
Pg 95 Lines 8-18 - The Govt. can use groups (i.e., ACORN & AmeriCorps) to sign up individuals for Govt. plan
PG 85 Line 7 - Specifics of Benefit Levels for Plans. (#AARP members - your care will be rationed)
-PG 102 Lines 12-18 - Medicaid Eligible Individuals will be automatically enrolled in Medicaid. No choice. It is claimed that these additions will not cost additionally.
pg 124 lines 24-25 - No company can sue GOVT. on price fixing. No "judicial review" against Govt. Monopoly
pg 127 Lines 1-16 - Doctors/ #AMA - The Govt. will set compensation for you
Pg 145 Line 15-17 - An Employer not providing health care must automatically enroll employees into Govt. plan
Pg 126 Lines 22-25 - Employers must pay for health care for part time employees AND their families.
Pg 149 Lines 16-24 - Any Employer with a payroll of 400k & above who does not provide public option=2 0pays an 8% tax on all payroll
pg 150 Lines 9-13 - Any employer with a payroll between 251k & 400k who doesn't provide public option pays a 2-6% tax on all payroll
Pg 167 Lines 18-23 - Any individual who doesn't have acceptable Health Care according to the Govt. will be taxed 2.5% of income
Pg 170 Lines 1-3 - Any nonresident Alien is exempt from individual taxes. (Americans will pay)
Pg 195 - Officers & employees of Health Care Administration of Govt. will have access to all Americans financial and personal records
PG 203 Line 14-15 - "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax". Yes, it says that…
Pg 239 Line 14-24 - Govt. will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors, low income, poor affected
Pg 241 Line 6-8 - Doctors, doesn't matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same
PG 253 Line 10-18 - Govt. sets value of Doctor's time, professional judgment, etc.
PG 265 Sec 1131- Govt. mandates & controls productivity for private Health Care industries
PG 268 Sec 1141 - Govt. regulates rental & purchase of power driven wheelchairs
PG 272 SEC. 1145 - Controls treatment given at Cancer hospitals - Cancer patients - welcome to rationing
Page 280 Sec 1151 - The Govt. will penalize hospitals for what Govt. deems preventable rea dmissions
Pg 298 Lines 9-11 - Doctors that treat a patient during initial admission that results in a readmission will be penalized
Pg 317 L 13-20 - Prohibition on ownership/investment. Govt. tells Doctors what/how much they can own.
Pg 317-318 lines 21-25,1-3 - Prohibition on expansion- Govt. is mandating hospitals cannot expand
pg 321 2-13 - Hospitals have opportunity to apply for exception to expansion rule, but "community input" (i.e. ACORN) required.
Pg 341 Lines 3-9 - Govt. has authority to disqualify Medicare Advanced Plans, HMOs, etc., forcing people into Govt. plan
Pg 354 Sec 1177 - Govt. will restrict enrollment of Special needs people.
Pg 379 Sec 1191 - Govt. creates more bureaucracy - Telehealth Advisory Committee. (Health Care by phone)
PG 425 Lines 4-12 - Govt. mandates Advance Care Planning Consultations. Senior Citizens must meet with Govt. representatives on a regular basis (more often if ill) to discuss "end of life" issues
Pg 425 Lines 17-19 - Govt. will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney. Mandatory!
PG 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 - Govt. provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in death
PG 427 Lines 15-24 - Govt. mandates program for orders for end of life. The Govt. has a say in how your life ends
Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An "Advance care planning consult" will be used more frequently as patients health deteriorates
PG 429 Lines 10-12 "Advance care consultation" may include an order for end of life plans.
Pg 429 Lines 13-25 - The Govt. will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.
PG 430 Lines 11-15 - The Govt. will decid e what level of treatment you will have at end of life
Pg 469 - Community Based Home Medical Services (ACORN Medical Services)
Page 472 Lines 14-17 - Monthly payments to community-based organizations (ACORN)
PG 489 Sec 1308 - The Govt. will cover Marriage & Family therapy. Which means they will insert Govt. into your marriage, family size, and abortion
Pg 494-498 Govt. will cover Mental Health Services including defining, creating, rationing those services
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Do As I Say, Not As I Do - Congressional Motto
Thy shalt not kill, unless you're a senator named Kennedy
Thy shalt not commit adultery, too many to name except there's always the big one Clinton
Thy shalt pay taxes on time, unless you're Sec. of Treasury or Rep. Charles Rangel
Thy shalt not lie, unless you're Speaker of the House Pelosi
And, the list goes on, the point being is our Congress wants us to live under a system they would have no part of. Let's just take the current issue of health care. How many of OUR elected congress people will stand up and say I will give up my Congressional Health Care Plan that is good for life and take whatever we decide for the citizens? Find one, they're far a few if any. But, this is the point we must MAKE our Congress People live under the same laws, rules and policies they make us live under. Including if you commit a crime oh say like murder, one should be tried, right Senator Kennedy?
I know the folks for the most part reading this agree but we must get the folks that aren't reading it or thinking about it to understand. Businessmen and women should make business decisions not idiots in positions of power that have never made payroll, run a lemonade stand or done anything else worthwhile. We must have leaders that are proud of this country and not apologize for anything our forefathers did or that we have done. As a country we've not been perfect but a damn site better than any other country ever on this earth.
Finally just a quick thought on racism. I have never seen a President more racist than Obama and it is going to lead to BIG problems in the future mark my word. What he said was NO mistake and will be at some point a rallying call. Who was it that said, Stupid is as stupid does? Mr. Gump I believe, think about it, is he stupid or setting us up?
Make OUR elected officials live by the rules that they legislate for us so they can say, Do AS I Say and As I Do. By the way would someone please point out to me where in the Constitution does it say OUR elected representatives shall have privileges unlike the rest of the citizenry?
Please think about this and pass it on or read other blogs at
Monday, July 27, 2009
Let 'em Know How You're Going to Vote
DAH people and even some of the most liberal are beginning to question who is this freak in the White House, at least we know it's not Michael Jackson. How did this guy from "SomeWhere" get so far without ever having a job? Who's been paying the tab(s) for years. Why won't he show his records? Why is he scaring some of the strongest people in the world. Even Charles Krauthammer, who I have total respect for, is scared of this unknown person elected to the most powerful position in the world. And, has even not stated he thinks Obama is narcissistic.
OK, before the election we were talking about many of the same issues yet Obama won. So what's a person to do? Well there is only one or two maybe more as I think about it answers:
1. Do what you're doing keep stirring the water by writing, reading, and questioning.
2. Ask you're liberal friends to explain why they want to stand in line for rationed medical care? One (Obama) adds 46 to 50 million people to an over-worked health care system of only 800,000 givers and even liberals can figure it out, there's just not enough to go around. And, by the way who's paying for this?
3. Start looking, asking and finding people you think would be good representatives in your state and other states.
4. Get on board with me to hold OUR representatives to the fire if they want to be re-elected then they must sign to live like we do under the same rules, laws and policies including Social Securtiy and health care.
5. Keep asking why and why not?
That's more than 1 or 2 but a good start if you have more pass them on.
I do know we can't sit back and do nothing and we can't just email each other we must start today to awaken the folks that just aren't seeing the reality of what's going on. The government can't run everything and what the government does run it does a terrible job of what it (except the military, when the right person is in power). We have folks in power that have never run a "lemonade stand" much less have to make pay roll. They wouldn't know which end of a weapon to hold unless it had a "White Flag" attached. They hate America and apologize for NOTHING to our enemies. We have to use the only word he knows to get rid of this administration and Congress "Change" before it is too late. We have to start today! And, put back into their vocabulary that it is OUR government and OUR vote that going to make the change!
If you want to know how to get involved at this moment I know of one state candidate I'm supporting for insurance commissioner, stay tuned as we find others I'll let you know.
God Bless America
Saturday, July 25, 2009
What's He Going to Apologize for Next?
At the time Obama was saying, "the police (Cambridge, MA) department is stupid I immediately thought oh my God what did he just say? I couldn't believe it then, and I'm even more concerned now. What might this person say next. Furthermore, who is he to be apologizing for our fathers, and grandfathers, brothers, sisters and friends that gave their lives, money and God know what else to help others in time of war and time of disasters. How dare OUR elected official that is probably not even a natural born U.S. citizen apologize for this great country? What is this person trying to really do? With a "Health Care or what is it called today? Insurance Reform Plan" plan that would let elderly rot and make you stand in line for care. Call our police stupid. And, apologize for the bravest and most giving people in the world the US to the biggest bunch of CRAP in the world. Think about it!
I don't know what that man is thinking but from what I'm hearing is his presidential agenda to start another Civil War?
More to come. Let me hear your opinion.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Health Care Debate
By: Dr. Elaina George, M.D., Hostess of Medicine on Call on America's Web Radio
The debate on healthcare reform is in full swing, but no one is paying attention to the long term effects.
I am for universal healthcare in theory. As a physician, I believe that it is a fundamental right. Unfortunately, the way the debate and pending legislation has been crafted, the outcome will result in unintended consequences.
As a physician in solo practice, I am in a unique position to see the outcome if we continue on the path that Congress is proposing in HR 3200.
- A single payer system that pays the same rate as Medicare or as the bill stipulates (5% above Medicare) will lead to LESS choice. People are overlooking the fact that most private physicians are currently NOT accepting new Medicare patients because they can’t afford to do so and stay open. There will no reason for this to change if the reimbursement scale adopted.
Unintended consequence: The network of private physicians would be smaller and more patients will be placed in a system of fewer physicians, less choice and longer waiting times to be seen. This would have the opposite effect – what is the point of universal healthcare if you don’t have quality physicians to provide it.
- The proposed healthcare bill sets up a bureaucracy run by a National health insurance commissioner and sets up an insurance “self regulatory agency” – made up of national insurers, national agencies, and insurance producers. There are no physicians or patient advocates.
Unintended Consequences: This works on the same model of the commercial insurance companies and is at the heart of what is intrinsically wrong with the system because doctor recommended care and patient rights are not represented.
- Commercial insurance companies will follow the rules of the public option plan in
order to compete. They will use the reimbursement rates as their guide and that
would lead to providers leaving the system thereby setting up a parallel system –
and by default a two-tier system. Those with money will simply opt out while
those in the system will likely be subject to more restrictions and longer waiting
times for their care.
The goal of private insurance companies is to increase profits while the goal of the government is to save money, but the end result is the same. There will be a limiting of access and a rationing of care. The government will have no competition that can stop it from continuing to lower the bar – in both reimbursements to providers and hospitals, and covered services for patients.
Taken to its logical extension patient care will be driven by a faceless government entity that runs healthcare on algorithms (e.g., how long it should take to treat a sinus infection and what drugs should be used, whether or not surgery will be allowed under the guise of evidence-based medicine). The art of medicine will be lost along with the innovations provided by physicians who are able to think outside of the box, and the practice of medicine will be irreversibly changed. The best and the brightest will choose any other profession that doesn’t sap their spirit.
It is time to turn the debate to the real culprit in the rise in health care costs. A private insurance industry that profits by excluding the sickest and limits care for its members; a pharmaceutical industry that reaps windfall profits by setting up pharmacy benefit management middlemen who keep prices artificially high while driving the medical formulary; and a hospital system that is charging astronomical prices under the guise of recouping costs incurred by treating the uninsured, when in fact they get money from the government to do just that.
We have the power to revamp our health care system by removing and regulating those entities that profit from disease. This will require the guts to stand up the lobbyists and corporations and say that there has to be a limit to their greed. It will also require the American people to really take a hard look at the choices they make that contribute to chronic disease such as smoking, leading sedentary lifestyle and eating an unhealthy diet.
It can be done.